Wanna see how I kill it on the grill?
Check out this vid, Martha Stewart got nothing on me!
If you're a vegetarian don't hate me ๐
To each their own ๐
If you want to compliment your caveman diet with some caveman / Gladiator style training, then click HERE and start killing it.
--Coach Z--
PS: Stay tuned and pay very close attention to a BIG, BIg announcement for a seminar I'll be doing here in NJ. It's my last bash of 08', my November certification sold out and this seminar will VERY likely sell out in 24 hrs, I kid you not, it will sell out that FAST!
One Response
whats with the freakin lean meats man? you gotta hook up some LIVERS, KIDNEYS, and PANCREAS chief!!
you train like a beast, so ya gotta EAT like one! haha!
Peace out Z.