At the Ryan Lee Boot Camp, Senior RKC Kettlebell Instructor and grip junkie, David Whitley showed his passion for old school strength.
The guy has hands and forearms that resemble bowling pins, not the kind of guy you wanna tangle with if you catch my drift.
Does it hurt that he kills 100+ lb kettlebells on a regular basis?
I assume it can only help!
Watch David in action below.
Now that you're motivated, go kill it with some heavy kettlebells and finish up with some beastly grip work!
Kill it!
--Coach Z--
4 Responses
Dave is a beast! I did not see it just saw the pans after.
That was some fun stuff. Thanks Zach!
BIG Dave!!! I love the wine goblet and sandals dude. You look like a freakin’ gladiator… with a suuuuthun accent!
I glad reading your article. Thank for share good information.