Episode # 44: Good Eats, Good Drinks, GREAT Friends!


Part II of my dinner with the homeboys.

Funny stuff happening that night and you can see how Steak and Chicken were very popular that night!


Gatherings such as this allow like minded people to get together, share ideas, motivate each other and very often new businesses are built because of these meetings.

For example, Scott Colby and I will be doing a teleseminar this month on http://REALManMuscle.com so stay tuned.

I'll announce the date shortly and it will be FREE. Just gotta make sure you get on the phone on time because the lines will fill up fast!

It's gonna be all about how I can continue to be very successful and still build muscle, gain strength with short workouts. If you're a busy guy or girl, I encourage you to listen in!

Kill it!

--Coach Z--

PS: I'll have a awesome vid coming soon with Elliot Hulse and a few other jacked up friends of mine. It is hilarious but it will also be pumped with a crap ton of muscle building info. Stay tuned!

PPS: Speaking of busy, the Underground Strength Coach Cert for November sold out, just like the others did. I received 5 e mails today asking to get in. Sold out means SOLD Out πŸ™‚ Procrastination gets you nowhere.

Check the Live Events page and you'll see what's coming next!

PPPS: What about the people you hang out with? Do they drag you down or help build you up? Post below!

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