It keeps getting better and better, get your notebook ready and start taking notes.
When you're done, start taking ACTION - this is what separates the average Joe and Jane from those who rise to the top and become EXTRAORDINARY.
Which will you become?
What did you learn from this video? Post in the comments below.
Kill it!
--Coach Z--
PS: Want something to kick start your success and make you accountable? Something that will push you over the edge and to greater levels of success than ever before? Then stop procrastinating and do something about it. Do this: ==>
7 Responses
There is a difference between what people tell you they did and what people actually did that got them successful.
I try to model what people DID that got them where they are.
So a lesson from Dax thus far is to focus on one purpose in order to get it done.
Looking forward to insights on how to have a more rounded success.
great interview z, the ‘to be continued’ keeps me wanting more!!!
i didnt get a chance to meet dax at the rlbc but i knew he was the real deal because his neck is pretty thick for such a tall guy. π
This was a great interview. The bottom line. is all about disipline in every single area of your being ( menthally, emotionaly) and nothing more. I think God has a specific plan for every one of us, but to achive that plan he requires from us to use disipline.
Looking at the joy in Dax’s eyes clearly indicates his sincerity. I can happily say that I’ve realized my purpose and that same joy exists for me. Very inspirational, Zach! Thanks for showing the clip. I’ll definitely tune into the next chapter! π
Dax is the man, thanks for getting him on the show Zach!
Ana, I would say the bottom line is action.
Dax and Zack are walking testimonies to this.
Zach, I really like the video and Max . Im curious how you found out about him. Whats the story?
I met Dax 2 years ago at the previous Ryan Lee Boot Camp while we were both checking out from our hotel rooms. We spoke for literally 2 minutes and quickly exchanged info and what we were doing.
I didn’t know much of his knowledge in coaching but we exchanged e mails several times he kept opening my mind up to an entirely new world of opportunity – once he released I jumped on board asap and also invested in some e mail coaching w/him.
The e mail coaching continued for a long time and I was invited to become part of his smaller, invite only mastermind group which I had to take a loan from my CC to get into to afford, but I knew I would make tha investment back ten fold, and I did, very quickly!
Dax showed me 2 things, well, really 1 thing that put my faith in him and that was the fact that he genuinely cared – he didn’t have to e mail me and give me his time for so long while he had so much else to do.
He would rd. my newsletter and comment back on ideas and improvements w/out my asking.
The guy wanted me to be me, to succeed at the highest level possible and to be happy – he’s a TRUE Coach and I think everyone serious needs to know about what he does.