Episode # 53: Success Creation w/Dax Moy, the final chapter


The final chapter of my interrogation with Dax Moy is below.

Now, I KNOW this stuff is not for everyone. Some just want to see training, well, without the proper mind set, all the training in the world means and does nothing.

Dax is no stranger to strength by the way, he reps out with 400 lb deadlifts, 88 lb kettlebells, 300 lb bench press and the dude is an ex commando in the military.

Not only is he a tremendous success, I would say he is a walking, talking deadly weapon - in more ways than one.

My first kick start to success came through my coaching under Dax. Before that, I was struggling, stuck in the same rut with regards to income and mind set.

If you're dead serious about changing your life then you need to listen to the man. NEVER stop learning!


Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on this last portion of Dax revealing some kick ass info.

Kill it!

--Coach Z--

PS: This video may be titled the "final chapter", but it's only the final chapter for you if you decide NOT to take action. If you decide you want to move mountains and take massive action, then this is for you:

==> http://theMagicalHundred.com

This is VERY intense stuff and you will be pushed WAAAAY outside your comfort zone. It is NOT for everyone, so if you decide it is for you, go full blast and kill it!

2 Responses

  1. Thanks for that. One of my goals for next year is to meet you guys in person.


  2. Powerful stuff – That kind of stuff gives you goosebumps – Just like we tell our clients, investing in yourselves goes a long way –

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