Episode # 76: ANGRY Lifting & IRON THERAPY


Just like anyone else, I get fired up sometimes. I have bad days. I struggle.

My best therapy is to crush it with the weights, it doesn't matter what kind of weights, I'll take anything I can get my hands on and kill it. I call this IRON THERAPY.

My alter ego kicks in and I destroy my inner demons through intense weight training.

This is the real me and it's easy to not show this kind of footage and pretend to be perfect like your favorite influencer but that would be fake. I believe you need to learn who the real Zach is and so you need to see who I am, and like everyone else, I have good days and bad days.

This Video shows me at the end of a long, bad day......

The Underground Strength Gym clears my mind, clears things up and brings me back to a good place.

If you are at work or the kids are around, I highly recommend muting the speakers.

Do NOT watch if you are easily offended! You have been warned!

The infamous cheat curl - this has nothing to do with biceps training, it' all about upper body power and aggression.

Richard Sorin, The Grip King motivated me to do this after our discussion of overseas throwers doing cheat curls as a form of hang cleans with an underhand grip. I saw Pops and Bert Sorin pressing and curling their IVANKO curl bar and I wanted to do the same.

In addition, when I was in high school, I remember seeing the Football team attacking the heavy cheat curls, they were state champs 2 of the years I was in high school and strength was something they exuded.

The above article on "Power Bodybuilding" is from 1970.

What's old is new again, and so you hear popular influencers claiming this to be their style of training and I hate to break it to you, they are full of shyt. There is Nothing wrong with giving credit to other.

Anthony Ditillo wrote books on this style of training and popularized Power Rack Training as well. Stories of "Uncle Tony" were shared with me from Evan Marcus, NFL Strength Coach. They inspired me to share stories inside my book, IRON JOURNEYS. 

The video above was filmed way back in the day with those sh-ty cameras and the bad lighting of my home gym, aka The Underground. 

Those 90 lb cheat curls were done with dumbbells I purchased from a gym that was closing down in Newark, NJ. 


If you're having a bad day, don't bring it home.

Unleash your anger on the weights. Hit a hard run. Destroy your inner demons. We all have them and sometimes we must destroy them.

Mental Health is a phrase that has gotten thrown around quite heavily since social media became very popular around 2012 or so. If we want to tackle this overused phrase, we must engage in hard physical activity, or as JFK called it, Rigorous Physical Activity. 

"Mental and Physical Health. Mental and Physical vigor, go hand in hand."

Training is never just about the body, it is a blend of mind and body. The problem is, everything in this world is centered around comfort and convenience. This leads to endless excuses. There is no more room or time for these weak excuses.

Instead, we must train and we must train HARD. The harder you train, the happier you get. The more we engage in discipline, the better we feel physically and mentally.

It's time to DO THE WORK.

The IRON is calling.

Live The Code 365

--Coach Z--


3 Responses

  1. Way to keep it raw and keep it real! I warn folks before my videos that drop the f-bomb to go do some step-aerobics if they don’t like it! Keep killin’ it!

  2. Fuck you Zach!

    Ryan tells me you bitch slapped him a few times this weekend, good job keeping his ass in line when I’m not around!

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