Episode # 87: Holiday Underground Workouts


Bringing together all the athletes is critical for creating an unbeatable environment.

1 on 1 is dead, it's boring and doesn't elevate intensity anywhere near what could happen with a crew of motivated beasts.

This is part 1 of our X Mas Eve, morning Underground Strength Gathering.


Stay tuned for part 2 of our X Mas Eve morning, Underground Strength Gathering!

What did you do on the morning of X Mas Eve?

Kill it!

--Coach Z--

PS: On Friday, January 9th, from 7 pm till 8:30 pm, I am holding a Strength Gathering at my gym, FREE to members of http://UndergroundStrengthCoach.com and FREE to those attending The Underground Strength & Powerlifting Seminar. This seminar is gonna kill, a few spots left if you wanna experience a no holds barred seminar where anything goes!

PPS: Wanna know how I operate a successful gym, with minimal overhead, and lots of profit, doing what I love? Then become a Certified Underground Strength Coach and start making money doing what you love!

5 Responses

  1. YESSSS! break out that log bred-drin!!!

    the vimeo vids look much clearer. Happy New Yizzle ma -Z-izzle.

  2. sean polidore says:

    My only regret from the cert is not lifting that log before I left!!!! Man I would love that shit. i love over head lifts. I think I need to save up and get one of those. Your guys are pure beast by the way Zach

  3. Sweet vid Zach!

    Gotta get myself a log.

  4. Nice bro! I dont remember what I did, probably some training as I hit a killer leg workout on xmas day. My mom called and said “when are you coming over” my reply “AFTER I TRAIN DUH!”

    -Matt Holmes

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