Episode # 99 (ALMOST 100!): And the Winner is…


Who wound up winning the weighted dip contest at The Underground Strength Gathering?

If Marvin Eder was there he woulda kicked everyone's ass up and down the street.

But, because Marvin didn't show, there's a new Sherrif in town.....


So, at the end of the day, STRENGTH MATTERS!

Kill it!

--Coach Z--

PS: Stay tuned for episode # 100!

PPS: Does Strength Matter to You? Then Check this out & see what peeps have been saying about it.

2 Responses

  1. Your camera dude was sick…LOL Ill night. I can’t wait to show off my cooking skills on the grill. I actually got Marlboro’s “REAL MAN” grilling cookbook. They beat you to the punch. I guess the cigarette companies win again. Keep kicking ass and take no names. At least that’s how the military does it.

    PEACE homie


    p.s.- i better not see that hair getting out of control

  2. I would suffocate! You guys are freakin’ animals.

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