Do what you feel & feel what you do.
I was definitely feelin' the urge to move heavy objects on this day. Kettlebells have been feeling GREAT and have helped my shoulder feel 100 X better!
Almost every workout has some form of windmills or bent pressing involved, whether it be the warm up OR the workout, I work those Kettlebells!
My focus on Bodyweight Strength is on a whole new level lately, I'm pushing hard to get the muscle ups down, on the bar AND rings. Back when I had college gymnastics I was banging bar muscle ups with ease, that was when I was 210 lbs or so but nowhere near as powerful as I am today, so I need to rework that technique and learn MORE.
I have also been studying lots of the Bodyweight Masters on video, like the crew below, and it's NOT just about WHAT they do, it's how they organize their training, i.e. program design.
Can BIG guys move? BIG guys can't have excuses for being unable to move their body.....
If you're not attacking the Bodyweight Training, get started HERE and eliminate the excuses.
Question for YOU: Are you a Bodyweight BEAST? If so, drop a comment with your Top 3 Bodyweight Training Tips! Looking forward!
PS: A large portion of my USC Cert will be focused on Bodyweight training. Bodyweight training is your foundation and offers NO limits. In addition, you don't need a gym to apply and use the power of bodyweight training to grow your body AND your business.
Sign Up HERE for a life changing weekend! BOOM!
Here is some footage from one of my favorite USC Certs, check em'. Oh.... lemme know if you can spot "The Bartenda" in this video.....
Sign Up HERE for a life changing weekend! BOOM!
5 Responses
Bu-Yea bodyweight beasts unite! My goal for the summer is to finally get my first ever muscle up. Always dreamed about doing it, now it’s priority #1. So what kind of tips would you have for a muscle up newbie like myself besides killing the pullups and bar/ring dips?
I LOVE bodyweight training. Although i still love hittin farmers walks and sandbag lifts, my training has gone predominately all bodyweight. Something about it just really speaks to me when it comes to adding my own style to it. Anyway, I was finally able to get a muscle up a couple of months ago by doing some of the progressions I see on youtube for them such as kicking with my feet and getting one arm over the bar at a time. As for pullups, dips, etc. I found the best way for me to increase the number I could do in a single set was to just jack up the volume using workouts where I would just have a set number of reps I wanted to hit and try to lower the time it took me to do them every workout. I used that in combination with grease the groove style training throughout the day and brought my pullups from 18 to 25. Another thing to mention would be that I got my best results when I stopped disecting my programs to death and just did what I felt day in and day out without any real Schedule. If i was feeling week, I rested. If I was feeling hyper, I’d hit the weighted pullups. Just some food for though π Nice post Z!
I’ve been the 230lbs bodybuilder that could squat in the 600’s, bench in the 400’s, deadlift in the 600’s, but not walk 3 city blocks without sweating like a whore in church or wipe my own ass.
N E WAY. Functional strength is REAL strength and there is no better functional strength than that which you do with your body. There are no better places to start with body weight training than the big 4 … pull up’s, push up’s, squats and lunges. You progress from those to putting in plyo versions, unilateral versions, multiplane versions, combinations of these exercises together, etc.
When I talk to parents about their child’s training program the first thing I tell them to do is have them master their bodyweight.
I personally believe there is more to bodyweight movements than just a great training tool. There are obstacles in our life that requires mental strength. Although lifting big can be a great thing to achieve there is something to be said when you can master your body weight.
If I can lift big I can also control situations around me. I have control of things at work and at home. External factors.
But if I did not have control of myself then what good is it?! Now imagine controlling your body through body weight exercises, nutrition and activity. Controlling the body is controlling the mind!
A person that masters their own body will master their mind, and be an individual that can overcome any obstacle in front of them (external or internal).
I found that the best way to get those muscle ups is to forget about them for a few months and do weighted pull ups. Once you can pull some big weight then muscle ups will come pretty easy once you get the technique figured out. At least thats how I progressed to getting them.