"Training Is Supposed To Be Fun! Do What You Love & Love What You Do"
- Zach Even - Esh -
1) Warm Up As Needed
2) Bang Out 1 Round of A Light Kettlebell Combat Complex
[youtube width="640" height="360"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XkSgG3kPyOI[/youtube]
3) Light Practice of Complex x 3 - 4 sets x 1 - 3 reps: Snatch From Ground, Hang Snatch & Behind Neck Jerk
4A) Snatch: 8 x 1 rep from ground, 1 rep hang
4B) Hurdle Jumps 8 x 3
5) Trap Bar Deadlift: Work Up to 3 x 2 - 4 reps heavy
[youtube width="640" height="360"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJbKh-uRtEQ[/youtube]
6A) Dips 4 x submax
6B) Band Pull Aparts 4 x 25
7) Grip + Abs 3 - 5 x each
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4 Responses
Hey Zach! I have a little question for you:
During my warm-up i do band pulls apart, face pulls and shoulder dislocations, and my training is usually very balanced in a pull/push way.
But, if i want to do some extra work with some dips, or to do some weight push training before my workouts, what exercise should i combine it with to keep my shoulders healthy?? Band pulls apart, face pulls, light inverted rows?
I am asking this to you because i used to have my shoulders injured, and now that i balanced my training i feel much better.
Thank you for your help Zach, i love your passion!
yea bro, lots of band pulls, ring face pulls, scare crows and plenty of mobiliy for shoulders!
Thank you Zach!
Thanks for the WOD, I modified it to plug in BB complex. Please keep them coming.
400m + Band walks + Dynamic Drills
1) Moderate Intensity KB Complex, Non Stop, Mod-Heavy (If you set down the KB 5 burpee penalty)
A) 1 Arm Swing x 6 / 6
B) 2 Hand Swings x 12
C) 1 Arm Row x 6 / 6
D) Snatch x 6 /6
E) Clean & Press x 6 / 6
F) Goblet SQ x 6
G) Reverse Lunge x 6 / 6
3-5 rounds to find our 1RM complex
2A) Barbell Complex (3-power clean, 2-FS, 1-PP)
2B) Hurdle Jump x 4
Mobility PlugIN -Band Pull Apart 2 x 20
3 rounds sub max effort
3a) HSPU
3b) Rope Climb
HIT Happy Hour
5) 10,8,6,4,2
Wall Ball 20/14
SDHP (Barbell or KB) RX 95#/65#
6) band pull apart / stretch