Above, John Grimek in 1937. The Basics Never Let John Down
Monday was a crazy day for me in which I kept putting off my workout. One thing led to another and my idea became that of finding a way to train at The Underground Strength Gym in Edison.
The gym was pumping and I had phone calls to return and things to organize.
Do this, do that, get this done, get that done. Before ya know it....
Time is gone and energy is crushed.
But, NO excuses. I should have gone to The Underground Strength Gym in Manasquan and crushed a Go To workout first thing in the morning. When you start your day off with the right things: body, mind & spirit, the rest of the day follows suit.
I broke my own rule and paid the price. You will too.
Get It Done.
You should have a "Go To Workout" as well. One where you can get the job done, get in and get out.
It's the tried and true stuff that always delivers.
Deadlifts, Pull Ups and Dips. Add in some sprints and ya just can't go wrong.
When people wonder why they don't get results, it's always a combination of missing some or all of the critical components, below:
1) Poor Exercise Selection
2) No Progression - i.e. NOT lifting heavy & / or breaking PRs
3) Lack of Intensity - Don't train like a panzy
4) Lack of Consistency
[youtube width="640" height="360"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vNAKO6QTcM[/youtube]
Above, Opening Day at The Manasquan Underground Strength Gym
Squats, Deadlifts, Jumps & Sprints
Next time you need to "Get It Done" get in there and attack 2 - 3 basic lifts. Hit em' heavy and hit em' fast. Don't make the mistake I made last Monday by thinking I could keep putting it off.
The basics will never let you down.
Your morning is a powerful time. I heard the time some time ago, perhaps by Tony Robbins but also from Strength & Wrestling Legends such as The Russian Lion.
- Family Time
- Powerful Reading
- Exercise
Start your day off the right way.
Get It Done.
Create your OWN Hour of Power and your day will always put you on track for kicking ass & taking names.
Drop a comment with your "Power Tips" for Life and Lifting.
Live The Code
5 Responses
power clean
rope climb
back squat
fuel for the mind and body, BOOM!
Hellz yea, GREAT list!!!
Short, simple and effective. No excuses!! Thanks Zach
Dude on the cover looks like a guy i know from my gym! Nice workout routine by the way!
First come the bodyweight exercises of one leg jump squats, pullups mixed with chinups, various pushups. Then throw in some clean and presses, front or back squats on alternate days, then some deadlifts.
Follow this with some Inspiring Power reading, then Smash today’s goals.