Some people jump up the ladder of success while others climb, slowly and sometimes painfully. Little by little, brick by brick, they get there.
I used to be a VERY slow learner in ALL things success related. I got used to taking bumps and bruises before achieving success so I thought this was the way it should ALWAYS be. I was wrong & things have changed. I have a much stronger mindset, a more positive mindset and much thicker skin, all of which allows me to use speed while achieving success.
If you are slow to climb the ladder of success, do NOT get used to taking the slow road too often. Sure, here and again, it will be a grind, but, my advice to you: Find ways to get there faster, and of course, do so ethically. I'll tell you how in just a minute.
If you're an athlete, an entrepreneur, or perhaps you are climbing the ladder of success within a company you work for, find a way to get the edge mentally and physically to move quickly up the ladder of success.
Here are some of the things I do to speed my success rate and you can use these just as well:
1) Have an UNDYING Belief in yourself. Kill the doubts and believe with all your mind, heart & soul that you WILL succeed.
2) Do the WORK related to improving your belief systems and self confidence. There is NO way you will fully believe that you can succeed and Dominate if you are taking short cuts, skipping critical work related steps and cheating yourself or others. There is NO way around gut busting, hard work.
3) Visualize your success. You want to be able to close your eyes and literally see a movie of yourself achieving the success you desire. This takes practice and at first seems odd and feels difficult. But, the harder your work, the greater your belief in yourself will be. The greater your belief, the easier it will be to close your eyes and play your movie envisioning your great success.
4) Consistently do action steps 1 - 3. What does "consistently" mean? EVERY DAY you must do something to bring yourself closer to your goals.
These steps are simple, but, NOT easy. Most things worth achieving aren't going to be easy. But, the better trained you become both physically and mentally, the easier it is to work hard & make the sacrifices others aren't willing to make.
When I look at my athletes from The Underground Strength Gym, the most successful athletes are the ones who LOVE their sport, every aspect about it, they love, even the parts that are stressful and brutally challenging. Their passion and love allows them to show up with excitement for each workout as well as a desire to train on their own.
Those who are NOT fully in love with their sport, the challenges it offers and all the work involved, these are the athletes who lack the excitement, passion & energy to train hard with AND without us.
Watch this video AND listen closely to the words. You will better understand what I mean.....
[youtube width="640" height="360"][/youtube]
I address success so often because I KNOW what it feels like to be at the bottom. I've met Coaches who don't care about those at the bottom but I relate MOST to those who struggle to succeed yet they have the desire and the work ethic.
I want to see everyone experience their own success, in their own right, in whatever endeavor they have passion for.
If you'd like me to make a video or a blog post addressing ANY questions on achieving success, just drop a comment for me below and I'll make it happen!
Live The Code!
3 Responses
It’s often hard to find motivation, visualizing what you are doing and where you are going often helps.
Visualization is PART of the puzzle, as are many other ways.
Coming up with a mantra I’ve found can be HUGE, although I never thought so, until I was being trained by a Navy SEAL and was getting crushed, until I was sent into the ocean w/my swim buddies and we came up with a mantra, it changed things BIG time!
Thanks for the cool post Zach.
I used to struggle with my motivation, visualization, action etc.
I came to realize that success takes work and ACTION! Constant, unrelenting work and action!
Everyone thinks that you take this magic pill and then there it is.
It doesnt work like that.
If you know what you want and if you truly, truly, truly want it, you will go out of your way, every day to achieve it.
The other thing I came to realize is that I must enjoy the process. If you can get up every day and fight off procrastination and do what you have to do in order to succeed, then all that work, visualization, motivation and action will all come effortlessly.