I was on the phone today with my good friend who was telling me about a kid we both know who recently finished his high school wrestling career undefeated. There was a photo of him on the sports section of the paper and everyone was talking about how "jacked up" he was.
My buddy told me he had a tire in his back yard for the past 4 years, a tractor tire that is. The kid kept on using the tire and flipping it without counting sets or reps, just old fashioned hard work.
When I first met this kid, he was in 3rd grade and he LOVED Gymnastics, calisthenics and all sports.
In 8th grade I still remember him doing 26 strict pull ups and military pressing a 70 lb Russian Kettlebell with ease. It was scarey to see such strength from a young kid but his foundation in calisthenics and always using his body sure as heck didn't hurt.
You can't blame the tractor tires for hurting those "jacked up" legs either 🙂
If you need a tire, just search for a tire yard or a farm. If you REALLY want a tractor tire, you'll find a way.
Once you're ready to start putting to use some farm boy training, you'll want to check out http://UndergroundStrengthManual.com
Those good ol' tractor tires, gotta love em'!
In Strength,
Zach Even - Esh