I'm finishing up a week here in Florida with my kids.
It's the first time we're without the wifey and let me tell ya, the first few days were brutal.....
Emotionally, we're used to operating as a team.....
I had to dig deep in ways I never experienced before to help my kids feel safe and strong, especially my daughter, who went to an intensive Tennis camp, 3 hours every morning for 5 days straight.
If you have experience with intensive training, the type that exhausts you on all fronts (Physical, Mental & Emotional), you know how this can affect your emotional state quite heavily. Emotional stress leads to greater physical stress. Support is needed during these tough times.
The stronger I got emotionally, the stronger WE got as a team. My friend & Navy SEAL, David Rutherford reached out to me and gave some great advice to help direct me in the right path. I share David's video below, which I watch and listen to almost daily....
No matter how strong you are, no matter how much weight you can lift, sometimes we need someone to talk to. I used to speak with The Ultimate Warrior often on the phone, I felt like I found a kindred spirit as we shared our struggles and then reminded one another how and why we must be strong BEYOND the gym.
I know that for many of you reading, we play the STRONG role every minute of every day and sometimes you hit a wall.....
When that happens.... And it will, this is what I do....
Take the focus OFF yourself and help those around you.
- My wife reminded me to be strong for our kids. In your life, be STRONG for others, not just for yourself.
- Jocko Willink reminded me to be calm, look around and then act. No need to freak out, it helps no one and shows weakness.
- David Rutherford reminded me to ONLY say positive things and to do this often, all day long.
Here are 2 Powerful Videos I watch very often to keep my head straight, check them out and get fired UP!
When my kids fell asleep at night, I took a few breaths and took time to be Grateful.
I started viewing the tough times as a gift, not a punishment or "Why is this happening to me!?" I know people with missing limbs who put a smile on their face day in and day out. There are people struggling to get food in this world and they eat from garbage dumpsters.
If you are reading this blog then your life is NOT that tough.
I looked at My buddy Tosh, who just ran a 100 mile race through the mountains of Arizona, The Javelina Jundred.
A week ago he was in the hospital about to lose his hand due to a seriously infected spider bite that required surgery. I thought he was in bed, resting, mending up and relaxing before hopping on an airplane to instruct at a seminar.
Then, I see he did something different than other "normal" people who would be recovering from hand srugery....
But that SOB is not cut from the same steel of most men.....
I couldn't believe it when I saw what he did, but his attitude towards life and style of training is what makes him "harder to kill".
A video posted by Zach Even - Esh (@zevenesh) on
I told my buddy about this crazy feat and while my buddy and I were speaking, we got to talking about breathing, mobility, stability and the Discipline behind training smart, NOT just hard and tough.
We spoke about how training your breathing can impact your life in deeper ways that are beyond the gym. Ahhhhh, you NOW have my attention.
The weekend for me is always family time.
I still train on the weekends, it might be in the garage gym hitting some Deadlifts, maybe in the backyard with a Kettlebell, maybe in the street hitting some farmer walks. Or, the best times, spending time outdoors with my kids surfing, biking, playing Tennis....
When you are constantly learning, pushing boundaries, and, not just learning from others also but thinking for yourself, THAT is True Living.
Don't blindly copy what you see or learn on the web. Figure things out on your own. Lead Your OWN Mind and Body, stop relying on others to motivate you. Motivation is NOT always there.
That is where Discipline comes in.
- Question everything, including what I teach you.
- Don't be a blind slave to my words, instead, test them and prove them right or wrong.
Different people are affected differently through training.
As soon as you think you know it all you are no longer living.
It is a waste of Life to feel you know it all.
This is why I always remind you of my lengthy experience in training BUT still hungry to keep learning:
- I began training in 1989, that is almost 30 years ago.
- My training experience spans from age 13 to current days....
- Always Learn.
I'm not here to have you bow down to me and follow me like a weak man.
I have NO respect for people who can't act unless some Guru tells them how, what, when and where to do.

Instead, I encourage you to stand strong, take it all in and then think for yourself, applying all your learning into one melting pot.
- Forget your age.
- Forget what you're supposed to be able to do according to "everyone else".
Keep charging and we can ALL become "harder to kill".
Life can be tough, we gotta be ready for the challenges that come our way. Remember these lessns I have just shared with you and The STRONG Life is in your hands.
This coming week I'll be adding more Video footage from STRONG The Seminar to The Underground Inner Circle HERE.
Get over there and see all the powerful info I've been adding since 2005.
- Seminars on Film
- Monthly Workouts in PDF and Video
- Special Reports
- Never Before Shared Audio Interrogations
- TONS More
Sign up HERE.
Being "Harder to Kill" means kicking more ass in the gym AND in life.
TRUE Strength transcends the gym walls.
Keep Living The Code 365.
2 Responses
Thanks Z! Needed that, been in a bit of a rut…
Yo bro! Sometimes, we ALL get stuck in a rut.
Some good reading, a new environment, etc can change it all!