The Only Person That Can REALLY Help You Get STRONG?



Got this amazing testimonial via e mail yesterday from one of our Underground Inner Circle Members.

I had to share it with you because it's rare to see that type of action when I am used to getting e mails asking which program will turn them into an NFL prospect.

It's amazing how so many ask for help and won't even try to do something on their own until someone tells them how or what to do. That type of attitude scares me.

I question what type of society is growing where countless people are becoming robots.

Check out his NEVER QUIT attitude as I share his letter below along with an important Video:

[youtube width="640" height="360"][/youtube]

"Hey Coach,

What's up?

This is Tony from the Underground Inner Circle.

I found one of your videos on following through in life, keeping the right people around you and just wanted to tell you the following:

During September I moved to a city to another country to study. My financial resources are scarce.

I am living on 150 bucks per month, and that is only the money that is left from the rent.

Gym membership, water, electricity and food have to be covered on this tight budget.

I have to drive 24 kilometers every day 5 days a week with my bike to get to university and the Powerlifting gym I signed up at.

Unlike others I spend my weekends working at the airport carrying baggage around to make additional money so I can buy more food and fuel my body with the meat it needs to keep growing.

I have every fucking excuse in the world to not spend those 10$ a month on the UIC, but you know what?

Your stuff has fucking changed my life.

I don't even have internet at my apartment right now but STILL watch your videos and read your emails, the UIC forums, articles etc by connecting with public wifi spots either in the early morning or at night. Those are the only times I am free right now.

I am looking forward to every mail you write and every video you upload because it's simply uplifting and motivating.

You are one of those few people out there who INSPIRE me, and it's worth to me every minute and every cent I spend on hearing you talk or reading what you wrote.

Just keep it up, thanks for all the great wisdom and support.

You are really leading by example man.

I wrote some of my favorite quotes of yours down and pinned them on the walls of my Garconniere next to those of Victor Pride, Duk Koo Kim(Boxer who died pursuing his dreams) and Chael Sonnen.

"Do what you say. Never say what you do." (pinned on my door)

"Shit, the worst thing you can do as a man is losing your edge" (above my desk)

"Honesty, Integrity, Commitment, Work Ethic" (pinned above my door)

And my favorite:

"Get comfortable being UNcomfortable" (pinned on my fridge)

Got to send you a pic soon.

My apartment now officially looks badass.

All the best coach and thanks again


As you heard through the video above and Mark Bell's words, as well as what Tony is saying, if you wanna rise above and achieve success, don't rely on others to lift you up and pick you up.

Motivation and drive comes from within, that is what pushes you to train when everyone else is partying or spending their money on alcohol.

The warehouse gym you have always wanted will happen when you stop allowing the naysayers that it can't be done.

This is the essence of Live The Code.


You WILL find brothers in arms along the way. They will stick with you through the ups and downs.

Watch this Warrior Poet Video, sometimes, we ALL need to hear these words, I sure as heck do. I am human, just like you, and when the resistance against me is BIG, I have to remember to fight back and crush all that stands in my way.

[vimeo width="640" height="360"][/vimeo]

But, they can't force you to do the work, they will support you and expect you to be self sufficient.

You CAN do this.

You just gotta be ready to push hard and NEVER quit.

What are you doing today to achieve your goals, be it in training or life?

Drop a comment below, I look forward to hearing from you.

Live the Code


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9 Responses

  1. Tony,
    hell, yeah! Thats what I call commitment. Keep crushing it!

    Reminds me of my university days. I couldn’t afford the 20$ a month for the local bus system so I was riding my bike daily 15km to university and 15km back regardless if it was raining, snowing or whatever. Every evening I did it all over again to get to the gym. Nevertheless I did my running every morning.
    I went to the local markets at night to grab my veggies and fruits from the leftovers of the day, same with meat at the local butcher (thats when I really started to appreciate the “white” of the meat. hahaha).
    In winter my dish soap literally turned solid because I didn’t have money to heat the damn place where I was staying. Hard times but good times. I still derive a ton of motivation and energy from that background.

    Nevertheless – such times can harden you up from the inside. Dont let it harden your heart & love.

    1. Sven, f**k yea brotha, those times harden us up and they teach us how to kick ass in life! Easy life teaches us nothing, you never have to push through or go next level and in turn you can’t dominate obstacles that dare stand in your way!

  2. Great post! I can actually relate to the email as far as sacrificing. I have been holding off for the Underground Strength Coach Certification for actually a couple of years, but this time I said enough is enough, I was too comfortable and therefore not taking my business where it needs to be. So I signed up for the cert this week and I am hype to get to Zach’s gym to take my coaching/training/attitude to the next level!

    1. James, you will NOT regret it one second brotha, gonna be the time of your life, homie!!

  3. Awesome stuff Tony! Nothing ever goes exactly the way you planned and there are always bumps in the road…anybody that tells you different probably hasn’t done squat. Doesn’t matter if its fighters preparing for the UFC, building a gym or striving towards a new PR…the thing that works is consistent hard work and surrounding yourself with like minded people. Keep chargin bro and Zach, keep sharing this stuff bro. It is making a difference!

    1. Corey! THNX Brotha, sometimes I need a good positive feedback telling me this shyt is legit and I ain’t that crazy! ha ha

      MUCH respect, homie!

  4. Awesome video Zach and Mark, thanks very much for that. Spot on about following through, and life’s just beginning at 37 so you’re gonna stay strong and tough, Im 24 so i can’t relate but I think the day you stop learning and striving is the day you start dying, always good to hear successful people saying something similar, cheers!

  5. Thank you Zach! The road to my business has not been easy, and still isn’t. I could sit and cry or complain, but where does that get me. NO WHERE! Instead I read, train and work to make myself and athletes better. Never worrying about the money because It Will Come. Like the video said sometimes there is self doubt, but it doesn’t stay long. Thanks to your emails and videos I know I am not alone, or the only one struggling.
    I have come to embrace challenges instead of avoid them, and that “OK” sign comes from your teachings. Thank you!

    1. DW

      The momentum will build AND the biz will be hopping soon enough!

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