How do we train at The Underground? The question is always asked, and the honest answer is this: Every group is different, every kid is different.
I might have a general template for the crew to follow but each kid needs something unique and different and they get exactly what they need.
Cookie cutter programs for everyone? That might work elsewhere, but not here, and I'm gonna tell you why.
Integrity and caring, THAT is why. Each kid deserves the best. That's not just the teacher in me, it's who I am and what I stand for. Nothing less than excellence, period.
It's also a reason why BOTH Underground Strength Gym locations are pumping. You can't deny results, and as a Coach, your goal should be to be so good, no one can ignore you.
Check out some footage from The Underground and stay tuned for more.
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6 Responses
True grit! Nothing fancy, just results!
We’re getting STRONGER EVERY DAY, Frank!
I’m with Frank, nothing fancy. Hard work will get you the things that you want.
Nothing replaces work.
Thanks, Mark, we’re attacking ALL the time, training the mind, body & soul!
Zach I can tell you run a tight ship which is exactly the way it should be. However I can also see that those guys react well to you too. That’s important and you’re exactly right they need to see you care.
That’s a sign of great coaching and I can tell you deliver that trait well my friend. Great share.
Brandon, yea man, they get pushed extremely hard and that is where they thrive. It’s amazing….. I am really proud of these kids. REALLY proud of them!