How to Become a BadAss Strength Coach


underground strength gym

I get tons of e mails asking me what to do with regards to starting their own warehouse gym and getting that kick ass vibe happening.

I wrote a HARSH article on Running a Warehouse Gym and pissed off many people in the process.

There is NO simple answer to exactly how to do it. But, there are certainly a few tips I can dish out.

- Be patient, yet Hustle your ass off! Success will not happen overnight, but, EVERY DAY you need to do at least ONE proactive thing to improve your training knowledge, business knowledge AND market your program.

This means you need to be in the trenches training yourself. You need to study the best business models out there so you can learn from those who have blazed a trail ahead of you. You need to connect with people and offer 100 times the value of anyone else so people start learning who you are, what you do and how you can help them.

NOTE: MOST people don't hustle for jack sh*t. I had a guy attend one of my USC Certifications almost 1 year ago and only now he is starting to connect with local schools, youth sporting leagues, etc. Who needs to wait a year to take action? REMEMBER...I said EVERY DAY, not every 9 months!!

People FEAR working, not just in the Strength Coach Biz but in countless arenas. If you are ready and willing to outwork others you are MILES ahead of the rest.

Invest in your Education - You must soak up tons of knowledge and this means it costs money. When I attended Tony Robbins' live event it was life changing! It wasn't free, nor was it cheap. It was over $ 1,000. And it was expensive for a reason..... it was F**ING AWESOME!

I payed BIG Bucks for lunch with Gary Vaynerchuk. We did NOT eat lunch. We sat in a Taco Bell for 1 hour and went ballistic mapping out EXACTLY what I wanna do with my life and how to go about getting "IT".

I needed clarity and I wanted to learn from people who were BIG time passionate about what they were doing and created a life from it.

Prepare for HATERS & Thieves- People will be PISSED at you for being successful. That is the straight up truth. Get thick skin, REALLY thick skin and learn to say "F**k You" to all the haters. Even your "friends" will hate you for being successful.

Some people who used to be my "friends" are long gone, pissed at me for kicking ass.

Others go to my web site and copy graphics and anything else they feel like cutting and pasting.

In the end, you'll count your friends on your hand, maybe 2 hands... that's a BIG MAYBE.

I work so freakin' fast that the copy cats can't even keep up with me.

Rules - Don't let others dictate the rules of your gym. If I have someone slackin' at my gym, I let them know. If the slacking continues, I remind them and talk with their parents. If no improvement is found, we remove them from the program.

I ALWAYS loved hardcore gyms and I hated it when there was a bad apple in there who spoiled the energy or interrupted the intensity. But, I had NO authority to get rid of them because I was simply a member.

If I had a sh*tty training partner I gave them the boot.

Owning your own Warehouse Gym allows you to make the Rules. Don't be afraid to make the rules.

Train ONLY Who You Want to Train - If you don't like training house wives, DON"T do it. Find a way to maximize how to train athletes. It's tough, and even tougher if you sit around hoping they will come knocking on your door begging them to be trained.

I have told countless aspiring Strength Coaches to write down 10 people / places to connect with so they could allow those people to explore their gym, get a trial, give a FREE hands on seminar, etc.

Then, you take action with those TEN people / places. How many take action with 5 of these, let alone 10 of them? Less than 5 percent?

Regardless of you being a Strength Coach or not, you will dig these Videos below, from our April USC Certification, next one is in JUNE!

Till the next time....

Lead from the FRONT!


Recommended Resources:

Underground Strength Coach Certification

Underground Strength Coach Trial

Underground Strength System

17 Responses

  1. Great article. Gave me some good ideas to get it goin’! Lunch with Gary V. must have been somethin’ else (to say the least!!). Keep kickin’ ass..

    “I guess it’s time for you to hate me again!!”- Eminem (Medicine Ball)

  2. HUSTLE like a mo fo and NEVER stop! Get under the bar and train your ass off and learn first hand what its like to get strong and in killer shape. Then go out and spread the word and NEVER stop! It’s an everyday thing!

    Walk it and talk it!

    Good stuff Z!

  3. Z, you inspired me to start my warehouse gym over 3 years ago and you continue to add fuel to my fire. Thanks for being a badass πŸ˜‰


  4. Bill Jones says:

    The article didn’t piss me off! It is inspiring! I thank you for being real!

  5. Elliott Hulse! YOU are the REAL inspiration, brother!

    You’re straight up BADASS and you represent EVERYTHING you speak of.

    YOU GOT IT!!

    C U soon, BEAST!


  6. John, Travis & Bill –

    MUCH respect, bruddahs, keep kickin ass!!!

    Thank You for supportin and diggin the site!


  7. It’s people/trainers like you that keep the fire lit on how to train for results! You have a serious gift to get the best out of people and not letting them “settle”. That’s how we all should be in our business. Keep up the funky funky funky work man!!!!!

    Keep risin to the top!

  8. zach & elliott,

    can’t tell you guy what an effect y’all have had on the way i go about my
    gym and the training that goes on in the inside !!! zach remember i have federenko
    coming july 9-11, you told me sometime in july you would have operation thunder
    going on at your place. the dvd kicked ass but i know it is nothing like actually coming to the dirty jerzee !!

  9. Zach, I printed out the last article published on to read it all the time because everything I read from you just fires me up!
    Thanks !

  10. Njama – BIG repsect, and thank you for diggin’ the words and videos!

  11. House, looks like we will be pushing the seminar to August sometimes, will announce through the private business journal


  12. Nico – thanks bro, glad that sh*t it firing you up!!!

  13. Zach,

    Truer words could not have been spoken. Each time I read a post that you share with the Underground Community it keeps the fire burning deep inside. The fire that was seriously doused with propane and nitrous at the USC weekend I had the honour of attending in October of ’09.

    It was the opportunity of a lifetime for me to find myself in the company of yourself, Joe D and Uncle Paulie! It has forever changed my training methodology, fitness business savvy and more importantly my life – or quality of life, more to the point.

    Thank you just doesn’t ever seem to be enough. Just know that because of your selflessness, training north of the 49th parallel has gotten a sh*tload more hardcore.

    Within six months the business has jumped from a 450sq.ft. space to 1250sq.ft. I work the hours I want, with the clientele I choose and FIRE those that can’t hang. Having successful mentors – Joe D., Uncle Paulie and YOU to model the business after makes the sh*t almost too easy as long as you are not afraid of the work – and I have always been a HUGE addict of HW!

    All I’m sayin’ is keep preaching truth and leading the charge from the front! You are the f#cking man!

    “Age Quod Agis” “What you do;Do well!”


    p.s. If you are reading this and are sitting on the fence deciding to take action and attend the USC Weekend – TAKE F#CKING ACTION! otherwise someone else has already taken your seat on the bus and you missed your trip to success!

  14. Kevin O'Brien says:

    I can’t get enough of your videos and articles Big Z. I freakin love the intensity in the videos. Keep doing what you’re doing bro…


  15. Spoken like someone who refuses to be beaten down. Great motivation to keep going!

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