How to grab strength by the throat!



I have spoken many times before about getting people to respect "strength training".

It does piss me off, to see people whining about not being to get stronger, faster or bigger. I see these same people doing 1 arm dumbbell preacher curls staring at their biceps just like what you would see in FLEX magazine.

I used to read FLEX magazine cover to cover, day and night. I had a book shelf that was at the verge of collapsing because all my muscle mags were weighing it down, bending each shelf to the point of destruction.

It's easy to get caught up in that stuff, because the photos look so enticing and if you copy exactly what you see you too will get jacked!

Not so, my friend....

If you need a wake up call, take a walk into the woods...sprint through the trails, jump over the logs, carry the logs, squat and lunge with the logs.

Sprint some more, crank out some push ups, handstand push ups against a large tree if you are ready for the challenge.

Sprint some more, find a large stone, carry it until you no longer can carry it. Rest a minute, deadlift it for max reps, rest again, deadlift again and then run back.

That oughtta get you to start respecting the effort needed to develop "Real Man" strength.

You are not allowed to train in a gym where "pretty boy" rules apply. You know those rules, right? They are the very rules that stop you from breaking the real barriers of strength and keep you lookin' like a pumped up Guido who never lifts heavy.

No air conditioning, no machines, no chrome.

Start getting after it today. Not tomorrow.

Tomorrow is too late.

Go get em'!

In Strength,

Zach Even - Esh

P.S. - Only after you have demonstrated the guts and will power to tear through the workout I just gave will you be ready for this: Click Here to see what I mean.

One Response

  1. I used to train that way too, follwoing programs by drugged up bodybuilders in the mags. Wasted so much time doing that, and got injured doing that type of training. Took 6 months off, lost 70 pounds. Started back training last April at playgorunds, parks using odd equipment, etc. Best thing ever. Thanks, Zach!

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