Hunting for a Playground Workout


Playground workouts ALL day.... gotta get after it if you wanna become agile, mobile and hostile...

On this day I hunted for bodyweight workouts at playgrounds at 3 different locations. This is the 2nd playground workout, more to come.

Question for You: When you hit the playgrounds for your bodyweight workouts, do you train by feel, like a Soul Lifter, or do you have a planned workout?



PS: Make sure you sign up for my Top 5 Bodyweight exercises for packing on muscle. To get my favorite bodyweight book click HERE

7 Responses

  1. depends. at my awsome home gym i know more or less what i’m gonna do but if i’m somewhere else i do what i can and what i want

  2. Timothy Clark says:

    Hey Zach,
    I thought you might appreciate this story. My 9 year old son loves to workout, push ups, all kinds of chins, one leg squats, one arm push ups, but his favorite is bear crawls. The other day I was watching him do his bear crawls, and he can do them faster than most kids can run. There’s even a time when he does them that neither hand is on the ground, he looks like a horse. Anyway I was watching him do them the other day when he got an itch in the middle of his back,so he scratched it. He didn’t stop he just did them one handed. So now I sometimes have him go down on one hand then back on the other.

  3. SICK workout. My love of playgrounds has never dwindled since I was a kid climbing around like a monkey – and I still do!

  4. Playground training, to me, is all about soul lifting, nothing planned, just band the bodyweight however you feel it, that means lots of extra work, even cluster work to bang some more reps, just get back to the basics, building the foundation is the starting point of everything in life!

  5. Great blog post. I have 2 questions regarding foam rollers. Are they worth using and do you use them yourself or with your athletes?

  6. Raleigh Wood says:

    Zack…what do you do for motivation? Is it your family? I make it through ‘Enter The Kettelbell’ and after that…I have lost all motivation..I stop.. (I truly am disgusted with myself).

  7. Robert Wynne says:

    Planned. But always ‘planned’ at the last minute! HAHA …Seriously though, once I “decide” on the WOD…I stick to it til’ the end. (E.G. 100 Burpee Pullups For Time, on the 9ft high swing set… 14:45)

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