I speak the truth…


Just got an e mail earlier today asking about my thoughts regarding the Lifeline Kettlebells and The Power Wheel.

First off, I will never promo something I do not believe in, or something that you can not benefit from.

I have a few of the Lifeline K-bells and wish I had these earlier. They freaking rock. They do not have a glossy finish, they fit perfectly and the price is right.

The power wheel is a regular in my own workouts as well as our athletes. Lots of handwalks and roll outs, and some of our advanced guys hit supersets of pike ups and leg curls, plyo push ups into hand walks and one beast does standing roll outs!! Ouch!

I have been hitting the power wheel in between most of my sets of big lifts to add volume to my ab training. My abs feel tighter and stronger than ever! This is seriously the most awesome training tool one can use for the abs. Don't believe me? Oh well, your loss 🙂 Keep doing sit ups for 500 reps.

I usually hit the kneeling power wheel for reps in the 5 - 8 range when performing sets throughout the workout due to all the volume. Your abs will be feeling it big time....especially the next day, so start off slowly on these as most people are not used to the great amount of tension the power wheel produces on the abs.

I have many, many, many K-bells from countless companies. I don't want to talk down on any company, but simply stated, the Lifeline K-bells are getting my top reccomendation.

You will also see a short audio I have just done interrogating Jim Wendler, where we chat about the release of his upcoming training manual which is an awesome manual, especially for busy guys, or, point blank, anyone who wants to get strong! I have received a preview copy and loved it. It has brought me to a new light, especially since I am busier than ever before.

Until the next time,

Stay strong!


PS - Want the Lifeline Kettlebells? Click HERE.

PPS - Want the Power Wheel? Click HERE.

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