Inspiration Video from Down Under Plus a New Gym!


Oh man, Craig Icke from Aussie Land just killed sh*t in this video!! Notice I didn't TOTALLY curse there πŸ™‚

Dig this video of Craig, what a sick, sick video of what it means to KILL IT!


Then we have Mike Rojas, from the first ever crew to be a certified Underground Strength Coach, he's got a new gym opening soon, check this out!

Oh man, if this doesn't inspire you, you better check your heart rate!!!!

Nothing fancy, but look at the results Undergrounders around the world are producing.

Look how people are doing what they love....

Look how they ARE killing it!

It's all about living, and taking that small, extra step that most people NEVER take, and it's the difference maker that makes YOU special, allowing you touch lives, change lives and bring more joy to this world, for you, and for others!

Thank YOU!

I love this sh*t!!

--Coach Z--

PS: The Underground inspiration contest:

PPS: Become an Underground Strength Coach by signing up today, 4 spots left!

One Response

  1. Good to see the Down Underground represented, keep it up guys

    Always look forward to your stuff Zach
    thanks man

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