Whether you run a biz yourself or not, you should still read this.
This lesson below applies to life as a whole.
This could be good news or bad news, depends on who you are and what you want I guess.
I'm talking about the economoy.
This "recession" thing
it's a bunch of bull crap if you ask me
I speak to those out of a job and not many of them are hustling to make sh*t happen
They tell me they're waiting for so and so to get them work.
What the f**k!?!?!
There is no waiting in life.
Time goes way too fast....the minutes, the hours, the days...
where does time fly?
The bad news is that those who do not go out and hustle, those who do not want to kill it, they will be eaten alive, they are the hunted.
The Hunters do otherwise.
There is NO better time than NOW to start your own biz, because there are so many quitting, and even more have decided to wait it out due to the "recession".
And if you think that other gyms are your competition, then you're not good enough at what you do, period.
These fancy gyms that are opening up all over the place are creating complete pansies.
You and I both know this and I seriously think it's a disservice to those who really want to get fit.
Not enough warriors roaming the streets, I've said this all too often.
On the flip side, there are TOO many warriors going Underground in their garage, backyard or basement.
F**K that!
Get out in the public and create warehouses and dungeons for peeps like us to gather.
There are many who can't cut it in our type of gym, but, for those that cna hang, you'll create a family, like the Mob, and if you leave, you never come back.
Go train at Planet Fitness or some other pansy gym where you get kicked out for dropping a barbell or God for bid you use chalk.
I wanna show you how to kill it and that means it's time to go Underground.
The doors are open, but don't apply if you're a pansy.
The date: Feb 21 and 22
The info: ==> https://zacheven-esh.com/coaching.php
What once started in my parent's garage and backyard has gone global.
We've got peeps coming from around the USA, Canada and the UK.
Will you be the next ass kicker?
Kill it!
--Coach Z--
PS: Got questions? Shoot me an e mail or call me at the gym.
==> (732) 379-9370