It’s a battle of will


Man, I am getting fired up, maybe too much.

When you do something you love, there should be no excuses, no complaining and complete animal like energy!

I have done things here and there that I truly was not into, and I could tell, the energy just wasn't there.

But, if you have committed to entering a contest, then you must step it up and get rid of the mind games.

There is no tomorrow, there is no being tired, there is no excuse making....or.......the competition will eat you for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

It's do or die.

Step up, be aggressive, grab life by the balls, go for the grand slam, not the lame ass double!

This is why I can not emphasize enough how much you must train your mind, not just your body. I know guys WAY stronger than me but I'll kill them inย a workout because I don't care about the pain and fatigue that is happening during the workout.

Do not overnalayze, just fucking do it, period!

I don't get angry too often, but, I am pretty pissed off.

I want to see people do their absolute best, because I understand that "there is no tomorrow".

Kill it,

--Coach Z--

P.S. - Train your mind and body, lose yourself and find yourself. Get the eye of the tiger. It sure as hell ain't gonna happen at LA Fitness or Retro Fitness! Better go Underground! Click HERE if you're anti chrome, fancy, LA Fitness and Retro Fitness type gyms!

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