I was finishing off my workout and wanted to finish with some bodybuilding work.... POWER-Bodybuilding, that is. HEAVY stuff that most Jersey Shore fans would be lifting light and easy, watching themselves in the mirrors and making sure the hair looks good and the sun glasses don't fog up in between text messaging and 5 minute rest periods π
For me, the transformation is ON, time to get rid of the BIG hair and attack the weights, I see no NO other way to attack.
Side raises don't need to be performed with dumbbells only like some pretty boy bodybuilder. Instead, I used chains and the thick handled Rolling Thunder.
Heavy lifting is what you need you need to eat, lift and mix with your morning coffee. You dig?
The BEASTS of The Golden Era didn't mess around, hard work on the basics was the gist, and they were Power-Bodybuilders, BEASTS of the gym that we simply don't see nowadays π
For the gun show it was more chains, cheat curls with a slooooow negative and the JM press on the floor coupled with close grip pressing. BOTH are great for pumping out the GUN SHOW but also, for improving all your upper body strength lifts.
You NEED strong friggin' arms to help your bench press, military press as well as helping your critical bodyweight movements such as dips, chins, rope climbs, handstand push ups and more.
Don't be afraid to crank the gun show AFTER you cranked your efforts on the heavy basics.
Remember, if you wanna eat your dessert, you gotta eat your steak and potatoes FIRST.... NO excuses.
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4 Responses
Not all us bodybuilders are pretty! π
Keep it up brotha!
Thick handles! Love it! Even the Arnold face during arm curls! Nice!
You’re getting thick Bro! Keep it up!
If I could make a suggestion?! Not feeling the music! Train with heavy metal you listen to heavy metal! Check out Ozzy “Fearless”!
I like that Dustin, “Train with heavy metal you listen to heavy metal!”.
Check out some of the older vids, they always had heavy metal!
Love it bro and that is what I like to tell guys. You dont have to cut out the curls and they “body building” movements you like. Just get the real work in first and then follow up with the extra curls or work on area that need more improvement. Awesome videos!