STRONG Life Ep 25: Jill Miller Talks Life, Health, Success & Passion



Finally! The first lady of The STRONG Life Podcast!

Jill Miller, creator of Yoga Tune Up, talks about....

- Being successful as a female entrepreneur where most ladies shy away from achieving success & sharing their knowledge and passion.

- Following your passion and why you SHOULD "go for it".

- Achieving your goals in life AND business as a parent first & foremost.

- Why everyone needs to pay attention to their health and focus on Mobility.

- Plus much more.....

I REALLY wanted to get Jill on The STRONG Life podcast after seeing her videos with Kelly Starrett and presenting on Creative Live. I also knew Jill was making it all happen as Wife and Mom, balancing her family life with her health and a highly successful business that was mentioned on "The O - List" aka Oprah Winfrey.

In addition, for all the meat heads listening to The STRONG Life podcast, I can speak for ALL of us, we MUST pay attention to our health and mobility is on TOP of that list.

Without your health you have NOTHING. Jill pulls no punches and will educate and inspire ALL of us with this action packed episode.


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Click HERE To Listen On iTunes

Check out some recent videos from Jill and Kelly Starrett to get your health and mobility back in gear.

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[youtube width="640" height="360"][/youtube]

* Everyday I spend 2 - 3 sessions of approx. 10 minutes each on Mobility, using a rumble roller, stretching and Yoga Tune Up Balls.

* I suggest you start your day AND finish your day with 10 minute sessions of Mobility as well.

- I never took my mobility seriously UNTIL I had nagging injuries creep up to the point where it interfered with my ability to play with my kids pain free.

- There were times when I had pain in my ankle, my back, my shoulder and more areas that literally sucked the energy out of me and / or negatively affected my mood.

- I started taking my mobility and overall health VERY seriously and that is a BIG reason why I am encouraging you to do the same, so you are NEVER in my shoes.

Resources Discussed In This Episode and Mobility Tools That I Utilize Every Day:

Yoga Tune Up Web Site

Yoga Tune Up Alpha Ball

Double Therapy Balls

Yoga Tune Up Videos - Follow The Mobility Exercises for your problem areas (Hips, T Spine, Shoulders, Etc)

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