Kettlebell Training for Combat Athletes 

Video # 1: 49 Minutes

Video # 2: 46 Minutes

In the early 2000s, my friend, Jason C. Brown and I were creating Training DVDs that sold around the world. Yes, DVDs. What Jason and I were doing 20 years we are now starting to see pop up elsewhere. We were far ahead of the curve and the reason is because we were and still are Coaches. We were NEVER "influencers". We were training athletes in BJJ clubs, wrestling clubs, in our garages, back yards and and local playgrounds.

We actually applied and tested our training methods to see what worked and what didn't work.

Kettlebells for Combat became one of our best selling DVDs for MMA Fighters, Wrestlers, BJJ Athletes and other combat athletes.

Stand up fighters such as Boxers & Muay Thai fighters along with First Responders, LEO & Military also loved these videos. Jason was training special forces soldiers while I was being brought in to train D1 Wrestlers, Marines, FBI and other high level people who needed training that truly worked.

Transform Yourself Into an Agile, Mobile & Hostile Athlete

Now, you can access these training courses on video from your phone, iPad, computer, etc anywhere in the world. No more DVDs. Instead, you will gain immediate access to these powerful training videos.

Here's just some of what we cover inside The Kettlebells for Combat Video Course:

Learn the Kettlebell Training Methods Used to Develop Dominant Athletes

Develop Joint Integrity, Mobility, Flexibility & Conditioning that NEVER Quits.

Whether you're a Coach, a Combat athlete, active duty Military or LEO, this Video Course will give you the knowledge to take your training & performance to new heights.

If you're a Coach, this is an opportunity to arm yourself with knowledge to change the lives of your students.

If you're an athlete or an adult doing what we call "Training for Life" - this is the training methods you need to follow to ensure you are prepared for life or work, especially when The Sh-t Hits the fan!

If You're Always Ready, You Never Have to Get Ready!

As I've gotten older (Age 46 at the time of this writing) I feel that I lose my mobility and overall athleticism when I get away from regular use of Kettlebells. I notice the same thing in the athletes I train.

The barbell will always be the King of the weight room, but "Strong & Useless" is never our goal. When there is too much focus on the barbell lifts, your body feels beat up, tight and immobile. For athletics, you need to be able to move. You need athleticism.

Implementing the training from this Video series will give you the advantage you need.

Live The Code 365,


Gain Access Immediately. Take Your Training & Your Performance to New Heights with The Kettlebells for Combat Video Course.

Only $97 $47

NOTE: NO physical products will be shipped to you. After your order is placed, you will receive an e mail with instructions for accessing your Online Videos for Kettlebells for Combat.


"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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