Kickin’ Ass & Takin’ Names at 35 Years Young


I remember seeing the movie, 'Predator', when I was maybe 8 years old. It was for my older brother's birthday party in a now dead movie theatre, Amboy Cinemas. I loved that movie and did push ups as soon as I got home.

The BIG guys in the movie inspired me. Even as a young kid I was motivated by being BIGGER.

Some 27 years ago....Even at age 8, I wanted to be cool and tough. Still working on it 🙂

But, as I get older by the numbers I refuse to give in to the "regularities" that come with age. The "older" guys tell me all the time, how they used to be like me and soon I'll be like them. Like them = fat, lazy, weak and full of excuses, or, full of shit.

NO excuses here, I ain't got the time for excuses.

I turn 35 in a few days, I'm feelin' damn good. Some of my friends are in their late 30s and mid 40s and they aren't slowing down one bit. Instead, they seem tougher, tougher than the majority of younger athletes I run into.

As you get older you need to be more aware of nutrition no doubt about it. You also need a lil' more of everything.

- Rest more. This doesn't mean you need to pussify your workouts, instead, make sure you get those 8 hrs of sleep as often as possible

- Gain MORE Strength. Yep, you gotta get stronger. Age has NO place for weak bodied men. Get stronger at your bodyweight exercises, free weight exercises, Kettlebells and odd object lifting.

- Improve Your Athleticism. I've begun mountain biking again, learning how to surf, running various distances through varied terrains, swimming in the ocean and incorporating lots of animal walks & animal training into my workouts. Don't lose your athleticism as you age, if you are lost as to what to do, start with some heavy lifting and then move like kids move, hit the playground.

navy seal training

- Crank The Conditioning. You have to be in shape. Period. Finish your workouts with barbell, dumbbell or kettlebell complexes. On your "off days" from lifting and "gym training" take part in the athletic activities I listed above such as mountain biking, swimming, running and any other sport that gets you moving.

- Expose Yourself. Expose your weaknesses. This means you need to get good at what you're not good at. Learn something new, not just on the training front, but in life. Read books about people and things that motivate you. This is a Good Place to Start. Get dropped off 3 - 5 miles from home and get back home on your own two feet. Train early in the morning or late at night. Fast for an entire day from food or take 7 days away from all animal meats. How far can you push the envelope, or, how far are you WILLING to push yourself.

arnold training


"There are those that do

and those that don't

Those that will

and those that won't"

I wonder which type of person you are?

How far are you willing to take life and lifting?

Add your comments with how you've continued to push the envelope, regardless of age or life's circumstances.

Looking forward to your comments.

In Strength,


Recommended Resources:

Underground Strength Coach Certification

Advanced Muscle Building

Prison Strength

27 Responses

  1. Perfect timing Z. Hope you caught this amazing article in 11/28 New York Times Magazine… ageless athletes.

    The Incredible Flying Nonagenarian ( Perhaps a FireBreather nominee!

  2. You are so right! It is possible to look and feel your best despite your age. My family,training and my health has become the most important things in my life. My workouts are often a topic of discussion and leave many people scratching their heads. I am happier and healthier than ever before and feel there’s nothing I can’t conquer.

  3. well I’m not exactly old at 29 but I see people younger then myself already pussifying the world. I set lofty goals for myself and to reaching those goals has no room for being a damn sissy

  4. Lance Bragg says:

    Zach, you fire me up! I’m 45 years old and strive to become better everyday. I’m pretty new to some things like kettlebells, TRX, and sandbag training, but totally see the benefits that they offer. Thanks for all of your motivation and inspiration!

  5. Jesse should have run for President!

  6. it’s so true how age is certainly not for the weak. I’m always hearing how so-and-so is too old for free weights or whatever but it’s all backwards. As we age we gain more bennifits to train hard, not less. These days my legs are strong so I can kick butt on the trails but the day will come when I need to keep my legs strong just so I can maintain my personal independence and walk up a flight of stairs. Age makes fitness more relavent and important not less.

  7. Zach, keep on pushing! I turned 41 last month, and celebrated by seeing whether I can do my age in consecutive pull-ups. Got to 39 and dropped – 5 more than my previous PR. Will now be training to hit 42 by next year. I love benchmarks that force you to get better by the year.

    You up for the birthday pull-up challenge?! I want to see a video!

  8. I completely agree! I am 56 years young and damn tough. You MUST have the drive and push back when some a-hole tells you thaty can’t do that or you’re too old for that. I definitely consider myself a lifter and not “exerciser”. I really enjoy some young punk with some low weight lifts and I power up twice his one rep max with multiple reps. Maybe flip some tractor tires or Prowler pulls. Forget the BS talk and get to lifting. Keep up the excellent work Zach.

  9. Hooo-Raaa! At the age of 35 I am healthier than I was in my teens and twenties. I hear people comment that their kids have caused them to stop taking care of themselves. Children are not an excuse to stop they are an excuse to crank it up. Set an example, and like you always say, “Lead from the front”.
    Keep up the good work!

  10. At age 35 faster stronger better…. and what i love the most is it is just getting started…Life that is!!! Thanks Zach for your hard work!!! very motivating!

  11. Big Chris says:

    I’m with you on all of the above! I’m 43 and I train daily. Right now I CLIMB mountains and snowboard down them 5-6 days per week. No ski lifts! I lift twice a week and probably shovel snow 3-9 hrs. per week.

    I have to speak up and say “7 days” without animal protein is a bit crazy! Ahh, 7 hours, O.K.

    Vegetarians are our food source in the natural world. They have hooves and eyes on the sides of their heads. We have neither!

    The only “healthy” vegetarian I ever met was a hypocrit. He drank milk, ate fish and eggs. Living on pills and potions isn’t “healthy”.

    Vegetarians promote much death and destruction of the environment. More than omnivores.

  12. Hey Z I gotta say man u never cease to amaze me. I get more and more motivated every day with ur emails and posts. I train at a globo gym as u know (but not for long :D) and I have clients in their 40+ that can squat and dead 1.5x their BW. I make sure to utilize ONLY free weight, BW, KB and sandbag exercises. Machines are for pussies and do nothing but teach ur body bad mechanics. I even have a 70 year old who can do 35 consecutive pushups for 2 sets in a row – how’s that for old age = a weak body!! Anyway keep kickin ass and screw the weaklings who hate bc they will never get over their egos and achieve true greatness.

  13. Zach…you are an inspiration beyond compare! I am 63 and still train at least 3 if not 4 days a week. I am stronger than ever and really thrive on Underground Training! Please keep up the good work and remember..age doesn’t have to slow you down! By the way, did I miss your Monday email announcement? Was looking forward to that.
    Kill it Zach!

  14. Absolutely true Zach! At 52 I am slimmer and healthier than I have ever been (at 20 I weighed 320 with a 46 waist, today I’m 185 with a 34!) and I am committed to this path, always pushing and improving myself mentally, nutritionally, AND physically. Jon Hinds got me started, guys like you keep me going!!

  15. yeah, yeah, navy seal, tough guy… but he chews tobacco in the movie… he aint gonna remain tough for long… he dead dead dead. cancer of the mouth n throat probably… dunno but not a role model i choose to follow. im a leader not a follower, no tobacco in my life… im 39 and people always thinking im 20 something. why? because i look after myself. strong in mind as well as body; no addictions.

  16. Des Morgan says:

    This is inspiring stuff. I am 48 years old and I am training harder and with more variety than ever. I am being told by friends and work colleagues to slow down, I am not getting any younger. It is good to hear there is someone out there with same thought process as me.

  17. Amen Zach! I am turning 41 on Friday. I am bigger and stronger than I was at 21. on Sat I will be atending the HKC kettlebell cert with Dave Whitley in Nashville. I hope to make the Underground my next cert. never stop learning, never stop improving! Thanks for the constant inspiration!

  18. Lisa – wow, the birthday pull up challenge!!!

    35 pull ups is rough as I don’t know how to kip.

    I crank away strict but let me see what I can do, ha ha

    You are gonna have me pushing the envelope, I LOVE that!

  19. BIG Chris, damn, mtn climbing and snow boarding, you’re an animal??!!

    Jon Hinds is pure plant based and he is an ANIMAL!!

  20. Dan, you’re a BEAST at age 63 years young!!

    The Gladiator Program will be given away to those who pick up the soon to be released from Smitty

    I’ll be cranking away friday and saturday for my USC Cert, then chillin’ with the family on Sunday 🙂

  21. Carey Kepler posts on the BLOG, WOW!!!! Awesome 🙂

    I am psyched to see you guys in late April, we have a BIG 3 day weekend planned, puttin’ your lil’ bro to work…. and your husband, too!!! ha ha

    Psyched to see you and honored you stopped by the Blog,

    Much Love!


  22. Waynzo, HOLY S**T!!! That is awesome, YOU are awesome!

  23. Hi Zach,

    Oli from the UK. We have been hit hard by the snow these last few days. I was up at 5.30am to get to work. I didn’t get home until 6pm. I fed my 1 year old son, played with him and put him to bed. I then went out in my car to get to my pals basement gym (full of stones, barbells, kb’s, sandbags), but I broke down on the way. Had to get towed back home. I got in after 9pm. I didn’t go to bed or watch tv. I hot out my 28kg kettlebell and trained until 10pm. I also did bodyweiht work then went for a mile run in the snow at the end. Just because you are a dad with no time, you must make time. Being a dad has made me more hungry for strenght and conditioning.



  24. Emilio Garra says:

    Just read this and automatically sent it to my dad!! Thanks men you really inspired me today, I follow your routines and try my best to keep a warrior attitude, and hope to keep it for years to come… how can I suscribe to the blog?? I’ve been a member since 2008 and constantly follow your tips, but I received an e-mail asking me to unsuscribe if I’m not a local, so since I live in Mexico want to unsuscribe but assure I will still receive updates on this blog, where should I suscribe?… Thanks for this Two Years of mental and physical evolution…


  25. Zack man this is some good stuff… your take on strength and conditioning is fresh, entertaining, and always inspirational. I’m a student with aspirations of being a bad ass s&c coach like you some day, the vid’s you put out inspire me to work hard and have fun with my training. You have a unique way of keeping your training REAL and working with daily life. So much programming you see is designed for somebody living in a bubble. In the real world you’ve got to improvise and adapt in order to persevere and this is exactly what you do. Keep the great material coming man… everything you put out makes me want to “LIFT SHIT HEAVY!”

  26. zach if you train smart you can keep it going till you go under but don’t use sound training advice and you will end up busted to hell and restricted in your training. I can think of no better advice I can give you guys than to take care of your joints,tendons and ligiments. I had old hard chargers tell me that the bad injuries you get as a kid will come back to haunt you and damn they were right. TRAIN SMART,TRAIN SAFE,TRAIN WITH PROVEN RESULTS OR SUFFER LATER IN LIFE.

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