Watch this Video....and then read on my bruddahs....
Well, what can I say.
I'm STILL buzzin from what happened yesterday at The Underground Strength Gym in Edison, NJ.
Yesterday, The Blair Academy Wrestling Team took the 1 hr drive south, and arrived at The Underground Strength Gym at 3:22 PM.
Next week, the other half of The Blair Wrecking Crew will make the trek.
3 Cars rolled up.
Gladiators...ALL of them. Every single last 1 of them, straight up Gladiators.
We shook hands as they entered, a few used the rest room, the others started pummeling and moving their bodies around, prepping to go to War.
The music was pumpin....
Old School Van Halen (David Lee Roth!!)
Every single one of them had the eye of the tiger.
Have you ever been in a room where EVERYONE had the eye of the tiger?
I've seen rooms with a lot of motivated kids, but NEVER ALL OF THEM.
The workout itself was an all out battle....war....they fought for every inch of iron they pushed and pulled yesterday.
Every inch of movement they pushed their body through....pulling, pushing, sprinting.....
[youtube width="640" height="390"][/youtube]
We had these Gladiators Ripping sandbags off the ground, onto their shoulders, over their heads....
These 12 Gladiators went through a hellish workout....together....
They never backed down....NEVER!
Not one of them showed signs of pain in the face, because if they did, they KNEW that it was a sign of weakness.
Some of these Gladiators were only 14 or 15 years young. But damn were they f**ing tough!
Physical toughness MUST be preceded by mental toughness. You MUST train your mind to endure pain beyond YOUR norms.
Coach Buxton has trained them, not just physically, but mentally.
The training they experience together has made them tougher individually AND as a team.
They have fought for ALL their inches, together.
On the mat AND off the mat you are supposed to fight for every inch....if you don't fight for every inch, you miss out on opportunity.
Opportunity does NOT come to those who wait.
You make your own opportunities. PERIOD!
[youtube width="640" height="390"][/youtube]
Some of you may or may not know, but I went through a lot of hell in my life...emotionally and physically.
I fought through depression in my teens and ever since the age of 13 I pushed myself through hellish workouts.
Not until the age of 18 did I finally escape the chains of my depression.
Still, I had MORE battles to fight through....hard fought battles....inch by inch.
The battles and pain eventually led me to the surgery table, and on that very day, before going under the blade, I vowed to do my absolute best to stop other combat athletes from the world around, to NOT experience all the physical and emotional pain I experienced. MY MISSION then & there was brought to light.
Today, my mission is Underground Strength Nation - I LOVE seeing the transformation people go through mentally AND physically through old school training and physical culture type workouts. It is a life changer.
I've received countless e mails on this, and many touch me deeply and bring tears to my eyes.... I've even had e mails and voice mails to my gym on how Underground Strength has saved them from suicide because they now had their OWN MISSION.
This mission led me to the intense studies of training combat athletes. It has led me to intensity in ALL I do, attacking LIFE, from all angles!
[youtube width="640" height="360"][/youtube]
Unfortunately, for me, I had to lose....I had to lose A LOT to learn my lessons.
I'm not talking the loss of things like money, cars, clothes.
I'm talking about losing years of my life...
During my depression, it was like a dead man walking.
I wasn't LIVING.
So you see bruddahs, this is why much of my videos, training and everything you see me doing here on the Blog is SOOOOO MUCH MORE than just fitness, lifting, working out, pushing iron.....
It's about LIVING...and living life to the fullest!
My goal is NOT to just help you become a Bad Mother F**er physically, but also mentally....and, to be able to live your life by your own rules, and to achieve the success you have ALWAYS wanted.
No more dreaming of this or that, it's ALL about living your dreams.
My Underground Strength Cert - NOT about training methods alone and that's all...
Training methods alone will not create an AWESOME business.....
Instead, it's about the mind power secrets I use, the motivation behind my hustle and how you can use it to your advantage, it's about going for your dreams and NEVER giving up or backing down when you go for your dreams.
I'm willing to fight for every inch to achieve my dreams.
My mind has never been more powerful, as I have learned to cultivate my mind power and turn my mind into a deadly weapon, allowing me to WIN at EVERYTHING I do.
I'll be revealing these methods soon ๐
Maybe you know all there is to know about life, going through hell, fighting for every inch and the harnessing the power of the mind.
I don't know everything...I have much to learn!
But, this is exactly why I succeed, because I constantly seek out anything and everything I can to educate me AND fire me up.
Some people are too lazy.....
Too lazy to fight for every inch....
Too lazy to educate themselves....
Too lazy to seek new information to fire them up.....
I am NOT too lazy....
I understand that every piece of knowledge I acquire, it is like gaining another inch....
Because.....those inches that I gain...and you gain, are exactly what allows you to WIN in life.
The Gladiators of Blair Academy understand all about inches.
I understand the inches game.
Do you understand and, are you WILLING to fight for those inches?
Drop a comment and let me know.
25 Responses
That’s no shit Z! Everyday we all go through are own personal battle. It can suck big time, but it’s a test to see how strong we are. If we move through that wall it seems another is put up in front of us. That’s why we have to be strong in the weight room and on the outside of it. I believe that the gym prepares you for what’s to come in the world. If your not prepared it can be very scary. We just need to keep kicking ass and moving forward.
KILLER post coach Z!!!
YOU are an insparation to many, keep doin’ your thing brother!!!
Blessings from Montreal
Let me be the first to make a comment…(it’s 10:24 am CST and as of now no comments have been approved so I’m gonna say I’m the first! Ha!)
I got off work this morning at 8 am (pulled an overnight shift). I’m working like crazy because I’ve got some crazy aggressive goals! I just came from the bank to clear up some fraudulent purchases made with my debit and card info. Somebody ran my checking account down to -$980. That’s right…they made several thousand dollar plus purchases and more than emptied my account. Then I found out someone ran my credit card up like another $1000! All this and I didn’t even lose my card! I’m fortunate that I was able to get this all cleared up in less than a week! I’ve been pulling like 70 hour a week for over a month now…I grinded like this for almost 2 years so this is nothing!
I’m just sharing what I’m going through to help keep things in perspective for folks. I’m fighting for my goals and running into, over, and through all walls just like many who will read this post.
We shouldn’t want pity…we should embrace the challenges and lessons learned because the inches we earn through these experiences will give us the lessons we need to earn the ultimate victory!
I’ve been following Zach for a few weeks and this man has fire in his heart. I love to see that. I’m gonna have to get out there to New Jersey and shake his hand!
Continue to grind hard for your goals everybody…life is a beautiful struggle!
Hoo rah z!
Powerful stuff!
I appreciate you sharing your insight and knowledge with us all!
One of my favorite speeches, but I also had to watch the video with LT and Jamie … that has a deep meaning to it as well.
keep risin to he top!
Hell yea! in a world filled with pretty boy workouts it’s great to see some real men handling their business and helping others achieve their dreams… Keep at it bro man!
Thanx bro, i really needed that one today.
Rock on, Zach…gotta grab life by the balls!
Thanks for the motivational post as always!
Great stuff man. I’ll tell you what, since last December when I met you up at Joe D’s place I’ve been working my butt off to try and make it in this biz. Once I was there and spoke with you and Joe, and see how you love what you’re doing I knew I wanted to be in a similar position. Since then I’ve been learning, and gaining new knowledge, and trying to make a difference with the kids I’m working with. I’m working on trying to find a mentor, as you have stressed it’s importance. I’ve got a lot of big ideas and it’s time to start putting them in motion. Thanks for being an inspiration. Keep killin it! Hope to be joining you one day soon bruddah.
Thank you!
all the best from austria
I am willing to die for those inches!
Hey Z ive always wanted to thank you, not only have you influenced my training, but also my mind, whenever i read or whatch your videos i feel your passion, i see you as a mentor, a coach and a friend, just wanted to say thank you
keep the fire burning
Kill it!
im takin that 1 to heart brudda, the minds gotta b in sync with the body, love that philosophy, thanks coach
Since I spent time with you down in Jersey I have been putting in more loads more time and effort. Friends and family have been saying I work too much, that I need to take it easy.
I tell ’em I’m just getting warmed up! We rebels have an in-born fighting spirit. It thrashes at the life we have like a caged animal and never settles for table scraps.
Hell, if life weren’t such a fight we’d make it one.
yo guys, thnx 4 the great words.
But, let me ALSO say this: yes, you gotta hustle and work like a mofo, BUT, never let it overtake your life, never let it kill the REALLY important things, which are friends and family.
Keep them close to you and understand that working hard and being successful should give you the opportunity to spend more time or do better things w/those you love.
Inspiring story Zach. Keep’em coming!
great stuff Zach, Keep it up
Coach Z,
I wanted to see what this post would bring out in the people who frequent the USC blog before I commented. As I suspected a lot of the people who visit the forum have a very similar origin story, a lot have the tenacity to make their dreams a reality, a lot are of a rare breed of man that refuse to idle and let life pass them by or refuse to go quiet into the night without fighting against the dying of the light!
I draw inspiration not only from you Coach but from those that frequent this blog. I guess that is a part of the reason why I feel I can express my thoughts so candidly here. There is a sense of community, a shared hardship and a true sense of the thrill of victory as one of the members succeed (Kirkland WA i.e.) we all share that victory.
Short on bullsh*t and always inspirational this forum has blazed a way for me not only in the way that I approach my business but also in the way I live my personal life and seek out what I want most! I live life to bleed- everyday I want to embrace the worst pain (either training or mental hardship) because that is what makes the sweeter moments most enjoyable!
As always fellah’s great thoughts! Great content! Keep it f#ckin’ rockin’!
very nice article.. keep it up i will be back for more… pls visit my blog
excellent stuff zach.!
Thanks for sharing so much, and not just training related stuff, but for being so open. You’re a kick ass coach and an inspiration!
You’ve got a really wonderful blog. To turn out to be a productive human being the essential issue would be to have positive thinking. Appreciate Sky Rocketing Achievements with Turbo charged Positive Affirmations… Grow Positive Thinking So You’ll be able to Get rid of Stress Out of your Existence, Increase Your Self-Confidence and Program Oneself For Lifetime Achievement!
Z! We are going through a very large evolution of training the mind here at our gym. It is amazing to me of just how difficult it is for some people to get through the mental aspect of it all. I believe mental toughness is learned through experiences. Being dealt the tough blow taking it head on. In the gym, pushing through discomfort and physical pain. Not the pain of injuries but your muscles burning, your lungs on fire, body shaking. Its an awesome feeling and to push your body to your limits requires you to have the mind that will allow you to get there.
Great read!
Zach, I fight for those inches every day. My wife decided to join monkey bar gym and in support of her decision I joined as well to let her know I’m with her all the way. She has decided to fight for those inches and I applaud her efforts. It’s time for a change is what she said to me and I agree. 2012 is going to be a kick ass year for us!! Bouyah
In an age when everyone is out for their own selves, it’s rare to see anyone who will sacrifice for another person, outside of the military.
You are building a brotherhood that totally goes against our selfish culture, keep up the good work, Z!