Life Inspiration: Do You Attack Life?


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Many people SAY they wanna achieve this or that goal, far and few between take the necessary action steps to make it happen.

I've seen this from Athletes telling me they want to be All State, All American, etc. - yet their actions do NOT match up with their words.

I've seen Coaches talk about wanting more success yet they don't seek outside help to improve their weak areas or to support their athletes.

I've seen Parents talk about how they want to help their child succeed in sports yet they have a laundry list of excuses as to why they can't commit to getting their child to a Coach a mere 1 hr a week!

The Bottom Line: Attack life, because if you don't, you will be the hunted, not the Hunter. The choice is yours.

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15 Responses

  1. Killed a hybrid kb-bb workout yesterday. 50 lb kbs, trisets of squat, rear lunge, kb swing; followed by triset of seesaw press, row, shrug; finished with 4 mins tabata jump rope. The jump rope was a brutal way to end.

    1. Justin, that sounds like the kind of workout that I can’t wait to be able to do again once I can stand on both feet.
      Damn that’s a super manly challenging workout. Nice job man.

    2. WOW – Brutal and LOve it!

  2. My workouts have had to be brutally simple lately.

    I just had some screws put in my foot and a bunion shaved off. I have to spend most of the day lying on my back with my foot elevated above my heart. It’s been about 3 weeks now. I still gotta spend most of the day with my foot up but I can do some exercise. I just can’t do anything that raises my blood pressure too much because then my damn foot swells up.

    People who know me as an in shape person told me that I would probably get fat because I wouldn’t be able to work out. But I’ve managed. It’s been very difficult. I can’t go anywhere so whatever I do has to be out home and I cannot put any pressure on my healing foot.

    Here was my workout yesterday:

    I designated this day as a Pulling Day.

    Warm-up with 2 sets of 20 recline rows and stretching.

    Weight belt pull-up w/26 lb KB- 15 reps, rest
    Weight belt pull-up w/50 lb KB- 12 reps, rest
    Weight belt pull-ups w/79 lb KB- 10 reps, rest
    Weight belt pull-ups w/79 lb KB- 8 reps, rest
    Weight belt pull-ups w/ 50 lb KB- 10 reps, rest
    Weight belt pull-ups w/ 26 lb KB- 12 reps, rest
    Bodyweight Pull-ups- 15 reps,rest
    Bodyweight Chin ups- 15 reps, rest
    Bodyweight Recline Row- 20 reps, rest

    This workout was horrible for me. I did not want to do it. I have to attach the KB to the belt and then hop on one leg to get up to the pull up bar. This was nearly impossible with the 79lb KB. But I just told myself, “This is what you have to do. This is what it takes.” I couldn’t even find a reason to do the workout. Nothing was able to fire me up. That’s not a problem that I’ve been used to. This was a pure grit, super basic, physically and mentally draining workout. But I just have to not feel bad for myself because this is my circumstance and this is what I have to do.

    It has helped a lot that Zach has been gearing a lot of posts towards motivation lately. Sometimes I don’t even put on music when I workout now. I take my laptop with me and play Zach’s video blog posts and that is sometimes what gives me the motivation to push through. It helps knowing that there’s other people struggling and pushing every day.

    BTW my surgery is called a lapidus fusion with bunionectomy.

    1. Vince, U gotta hit this stuff also:

      Push ups w/ankles crossed

      Captains of Crush Grippers

      Battling Ropes Kneeling / Seated

      I know a few peeps who had that surgery, it’s tough! Keep us posted on your speedy recovery brutha man!

  3. Big Day of Training last sunday gonna build on it tomorrow.

    Speed/Sprinting in the morning

    Gym in the early afternoon
    Front Squat

    Handstand/Handstand press work 4-5 sets
    Pull ups 4×7
    RDL’s 3×6

    Conditioning to finish out the day
    Hill Sprint Time Trial: As many 30 meter sprints as you can get in 10 minutes
    One Arm Push ups 6/5/4/3/2/1
    Monkey bar type hand climing 4×1 trip

  4. Artur Monteiro says:

    You know when your are fucking tired of getting those last few pounds of fat?! When you just want to let your entire body burns from inside?! Your muscles don’t seem to find any glicogen storage?! And after all you just wanted to feel that way?

    Man… I just feel hella good when I can’t do one more push-ups after doing 8 pyramid 3 times. Or when I can’t pull myself after some hardcore pull-up series.

    Yesterday was Friday and the last week day. So after having classes from 8am to 7pm I’ve decided to go to the park and have some “fun” ^^

    Warming up:
    2 x 10 push-ups
    2 x 10 inverted rows
    2 x 15 squats
    2 x 10ea lunges

    The Workout:

    3 x 6 handstand push-ups
    2 x max wide grip pull-ups/ 2 x 10 pull-ups/ 2 x max close grip
    5 x max push-ups
    5 x max dips
    10 single leg squats followed by max jump squats
    Rested 3min

    Max Pulls
    Max Pushs
    Max Dips

    Then run 500m as fast as I could

    Then got over my bike and ride it home.

    Right before get under the shower tried some more push ups, but due to the amount of lactic acid and the burn only as able to do 6 of them.

    Being “uncomfortable” it’s by far the best thing I could do that day!!!

    Push yourself to the limit and then go beyond it! When we think we can’t do anymore we’ve used only 40% of our true potential. Transform this potential into kinetic energy!!!

    Peace out ^^

    1. yea, Artur!! Training MUST be FUN – don’t let it get you crazy bro, stick with it and the muscles come, my man! LOVE that bodyweight workout bro!

  5. Bill Reed says:

    Burpee conditioning:

    5 full burpees (with pushup, jump, hips locked, and clap overhead)
    Rest :30 b/w rounds
    Repeat for 5 total rounds (25 total burpees)

    Rest for 1:00 – 1:30

    5 rounds of 5 burpees
    Rest :25 b/w rounds

    Rest for 1:00 – 1:30

    5 rounds of 5 burpees
    Rest :20 b/w rounds

    Rest for 1:00 – 1:30

    5 rounds of 5 burpees
    Rest :15 b/w rounds

    Total: 100 burpees

    You can manipulate by adding a burpee or two or however many you want in order to push the volume, or, you can shrink or expand the rest intervals between individual sets or rounds. I’ve used this system with a high school soccer team for the past few years and have had solid results. Enjoy if you like.

    Bill Reed

    1. Damn, Burpees crush me, I gotta hit them more! GREAT ideas w/that brutha!

  6. Hey, Zack! I like your style of training man! Good Stuff! I was wondering were you got your sleds and prowlers from or a place that sells them for a reasonable price. Thanks and look fwd to hearing more from you!

    1. Rich – some of it is made if I find someone local, most of the time I get it from

      Other times, just started snagging from Black Widow Training Gear – google them!

  7. Hey Undergrounders,
    I’m on vacation now for the next couple of weeks. But that’s no excuse for stopping. Finished the BW Intorcourse and will follow it up with some Hybrid training & endurance training for the next weeks til I have my triathlon in August. Got one of my KBs with me and a 5m thick rope I can hang just about anywhere. Got my sandbag with me as well – still have to fill it.

    This is what I did today:

    KB-Komplex nonstop of 3x
    10 military presses
    10 snatches
    10 cleans each side
    10 onehand swings

    after that I hit 3sets of (30s-60s rest between):
    15 burpees
    10 snatches
    rope pullup ladder 1,2,3,4
    20 swings
    10 goblet squats
    10 pushups
    10 situps
    5 turkish getups

    500m run AFAP

    I’ll keep alternating komplex days with running days with one off-day per week.
    Keep it awesome. Sorry Zach – would love to post a vid for your contest, but internet connection down here is real bad. Next time.

  8. Here you go –nicknamed legs and lungs workout

    2 rounds of all 15 excercises at 45:15 Tabata style workout interval

    1. Burpee with Opposite Toe touch
    2. Dive Bombers
    3. Burpee (regular)
    4. Forward to Reverse Lunge
    5. Alternate One Arm โ€” Toe Touch Tablemaker
    6. Triple quad press burpee
    7. Wide Leg Runs
    8. Hand Walkouts to Cliffhanger โ€“then pushup
    9. Down/Up dog Burpee
    10. Power Jump Squats (hands touch ground)
    11. T-push ups
    12. Deck squat burpee
    13. Double Leg Abs Raises (legs in-out then nose to kneeโ€”hands on ground)
    14. Crouching Tuck Jumps (3 low bounces then high tuck jump)
    15. Split jump Burpee

  9. Good stuff. Some people are afraid to take action and go after their goals… People that are successful are afraid of what life would be like if they DIDN’T achieve their goals.

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