Lift STRONG Fundraiser – The Strongman Log


Part II of the fundraiser, the strongman log!

High school bruddahs rocked the 100 lb log and college athletes cranked the 160 lb log.

Check it and drop a comment, thought, question or random anything ๐Ÿ™‚

Soon it will be time to tone down the strongman training we do and get away from all the beatings it can give the body.

Football season is around the corner and our Gridiron Gladiators are ready to run through their competition.

The time is NOW.

Make it Happen!



PS: Tonight, at midnight, The Truth About Quickness is ON! If you snag a copy from my link, forward it my way and I'll send you a FREE copy of

I want you man handling and running through people - Strong AND Fast as Hell, a lethal and powerful combination.

PPS: Save THIS Date ==> AUgust 22nd. I will be holding a special, 1 day Underground Strength Coach Certification. It will be solely focused on training, not Business like the 2 day certifications. Attendees will also have the option of stopping by Friday afternoon to see how I run the Underground Strength Gym. If you want in, e mail me and I'll get you squared away.

My E Mail: ==> UndergroundStrengthCoach @

2 Responses

  1. I wish I could have been there.
    I love seeing the guys pump their guns out, and just wish I could be alongside them, burning fuel and raging muscle.
    Can’t wait to see the next episode!
    Take it easy, Zach brother!

  2. Awesome ! Imagine the look on peoples faces if one of those warriors started busting those out a gold’s gym, ha ha ha , it would be priceless.

    I’m hoping you post the rest of the comp.

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