Lift STRONG Preparation – Gladiators Only!


This Friday we will be holding our annual fundraiser, 'Lift STRONG' - everyone is invited to watch and support, our athletes will be competing and battling to say the lives of others.

It will be a WAR come this Friday, make no mistake about it.

If you would like to attend, it would be great if you also made a small donation so we can add to the support we will be sending to The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.

Take a look inside The Underground as our Gladiators prepare for Battle....

If you are new to the Blog, take a look at some of the previous posts made here regarding "Lift STRONG" and "Alwyn Cosgrove".

You will learn exactly why we do what we do.

Drop a comment or question below.

And hey, lemme know whatcha think of those BAD ASS Gladiator trophies!!

Looking forward to seeing your comments bruddahs and sistas!



PS: If you're not in the area but still want to support us, check out and make it happen!

PPS: We still have space available for The Underground Strength Gym License. Yesterday, territory was secured in Oklahoma and Michigan! Will you be the NEXT bad ass to go Underground? Click HERE and make it happen.

4 Responses

  1. Zach,

    The blond guy looked like he was really hurting his back lifting the track tire. He should really fix his form or start out with something lighter, because his form was NOT good and he’s putting himself at risk of injury.

    Crazy trophies!

    Rafi Bar-Lev

  2. Great cause and idea to support those in need Zach! I’ll be sure to check out the livestrong site. Conan would be proud of that broadsword:)

  3. Thnx fellas!


    yep, that round back makes me nuts, but here and again, the college crew goes beyond the norm, and, this means pushing limits.

    Sometimes that sh*t happens.

    Thnx 4 the support bruddahs!

  4. John Abbott says:

    Those are some crazy trophies! People will love them.

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