Check out this trip through my early beginnings and a hilarious story of what started out as my weakest day from over 20 years ago!
How many of you remember your beginnings in the world of strength? I'd love to hear about them, post em' below!
--Coach Z--
5 Responses
man that was a great episode i cant help to flash back to my earliest memory. I remember at the time i was about 6 and lived in a studio apt with my family of 4. I used to watch my father bench press and chest fly dumbells on the coffee table in the living room. Being a kid i wanted so much to be like him so he got me two 5 lb dumbbells and i would mimic everything he did. When i was about 11 we moved into a really big house with a basement my dad had put bruce lee posters all over the basement along with a bench press and some heavy bags, i remember using two hands to curl a 25lb dumbbell then go lift cinder blocks in my back yard with my dad. I was so excited the day i could curl that 25 lb dumbbell with one hand. good times great memories.
When I first started lifting, I was in like 7th grade so I was like 12 or so. My schools gym teacher gave me his sons weight set that he didnt need anymore. It was a bar plates and bench. I put this thing in my room at my parents. My room was in the attic. all I had in my room was my bed just a mattress and weights thats it. But it worked and I got strong. I still have the bar and all the weights and still talk to my old gym teacher.
Dude I LOVE the crusher. You made me wanna go out and get one(mine was stolen when I left home for the military years ago). My MOST embarrassing early days of training moment is funny. Back home I had two 45’s and an ol’ school long curl straight curl bar. I didnt have a bench so I used to lay on the floor roll the bar up over me(because I was that skinny that I could lay down on the floor, roll it up to my chest and have room beneath it!) and press it that way. Had no idea what a half rep was, I just knew my chest was getting a lil stronger lol. Well one particular night I was feelin it and decided to go crazy.Did a gang of sets,and got so tired & weak I couldnt roll the bar off of me so I could get up off the floor! I swear I tried for 15 minutes but my whole upper body was jell-o. So, I stayed under it all night and went to sleep! Funniest thing ever looking back. Love the Underground show; keep it up!
when i started with the bells 2 years, i remember my first 3 workouts. just easy circuits we put together. C&P, slingshots, between the leg passes, swings, and windmills…
it destroyed me and i was only using a 16KG bell.. i remeber after each of those first workouts going inside and trying to pour a glass of water and not being able to- at all. my arms and hands were shaking so bad i couldnt hodl the glass still and my muscles were so wrecked that i couldnt hold the water pitcher up to pour. had to stick my mouth under the kitchen sink to get hydrated. almost 2 years later im up to doing heavy work/low reps with double 24KGs and using the 28KG for heavy single work at bodyweight of 152lbs.
I forget how old i was but i was digging thru a closet one day being nosy. i came across a crate of books my dad had(no porn tho). Power Training for Kung Fu and Karate.
i ate that book up.
i came across it the other day. i wouldn’t do half of that stuff these days(deep squats up on your toes with your knees WAY out in front of you). who would have guessed that THAT book would lead me to where i am now.