Man of Steel Challenge Winners Announced!


First, let me say that Smitty and I are beyond humbled and honored by all the comments and videos that were submitted to win The Man of Steel Challenge.

We are SERIOUSLY floored by the response and are 100% psyched, honored and humbled - it was pretty emotional, actually.

It was damn near impossible to award 1 winner so what we decided to was to award 2 winners at each of our Blogs: 1 from the videos and 1 from the comments.

Also, those of you who submitted videos, please stay tuned for an e mail coming from both Smitty and I as we have a special "Thank You" coming your way!

The Winner from the Man of Steel Video Submission was the TOUGHEST one to choose from because these videos were so freaking BadAss! But, in the end, The Man of Steel Challenge award winner goes to Josh Hewitt, check out this inspirational video below:

And for the Winner from the comments, this goes to Comment # 8 from Bedouin John Albiola. Check out his reasons and motivation to get his hands on The Man of Steel Challenge below:

John even called Smitty & I "Sir" - which makes this comment even cooler!

"Dear Sir Zach and Sir Smitty,

its really simple… i think why i deserve MAN OF STEEL is because… i want my family to be together… My Dad is working in the Middle East… He is working there for us… for our college tuition… life is hard over here in the philippines… He cant come home or resign or quit his job because im still studying and also my sister in college… My Dad has been an Overseas Filipino Worker for 26 years now… and he wants to go home… but he cant because of our financial problems… so i told myself if i trained hard… if only i could land an athletic scholarship… playing college basketball… for my university… i can help my parents…. they wont need to worry about tuition… and our life will be easier… but becoming a varsity player is also hard… the try outs… etc… so i think i deserve MAN OF STEEL to help me achieve my athletic goals… at the same time… bring our family together… so my dad can come home… thank you sir zach and sir smitty…"

Here is what will happen next.

1) Josh and Sir John, please look for an e mail from Smitty and I coming shortly.

2) ALL Video submissions, please look for an e mail from Smitty and I coming shortly as well 🙂

Right now, Smitty and I are looking at Tuesday, April 6th for the release of The Man of Steel Challenge.

But, we have some final "touch ups" going on with the web site that need to be set to make sure our servers don't crash as we'll be offering a special sale during the first few days.

Time to open up The Underground, stay tuned for more and BIG thanks to ALL who participated.

Lead from the FRONT!


5 Responses

  1. Hey congrats on winning man ROCK THAT THING BRO!!!! >)

  2. Great choice. This guy looks like the real deal. I love that he’s 40 and ready to rake himself over the coals. Pulling a semi with the harness and using a rope in front of you is amazing. What a total body burn. Is there any muscle not firing? Congrats to Sir Josh!

  3. Thanks alot guys! It’s a great honor to be chosen! OK, now I better start getting my sleep… gotta be ready for this program!

  4. Bedouin John Albiola says:

    Thank you very much! i cant explain this feeling… feels great… when i saw it… it felt like winning the MEGA LOTTO SWEEPSTAKES! LOL. kidding aside… yup… im super honored to be chosen… i really appreciate everything… i will not let you guys down… i will stay in touch and update you guys… my mom even cried when i showed this to her… cant wait to show this to my dad… he will be proud to and be happy… someday… i will go to NEW JERSEY and train with guys… that is my dream too… meeting zach even esh, smitty, joe defranco… God willing… we will meet someday in person… or just come here to the Philippines instead for a vacation! haha! LOL. im just really happy right now… on top of the world… thank you guys… regards to everybody… even to zach’s pet ARNOLD! thank thank you guys! you guys are the best! my inspiration to work hard… everything man! thank you!

    and this is my underground motto and quote…

    “A great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.”

    thats why we gotta… LEAD FROM THE FRONT!


    your bruddah in strength all the way from the Philippines and undergrounder!,

    -Bedouin John D. Albiola



  5. Louie Coplan was chosen on Smitty’s Blog!

    Awesome crew and stay tuned, Monday morning we will be e mailing the winners and ALL video submissions!


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