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3 Responses

  1. Aaron Bell says:

    Hi Zak I Don’t Know where to enter my KB workout this was the first spot I found to try? I got a 48kg KB for cristmass the other year so I had to come up with a work out I could attempt! with it, so it went like this 4rounds for time: 20,15,10,5 rep rounds two handed american swings, left arm row, Goblet squats,right arm row, sumo dead lift high pulls. the first time I did it took me 23min, If its to tame for the bad asses on your sight make them goblet thrusters instead of just squats, I tryed that version with the 40kg thinking the lighter weight called for alittle more range!? Ooop’s well I’m sill here surpisingly. Thanks Aaron

  2. Lino Martinez says:

    Coach Even-rsh, hello- hope your day is going well. Hey, wondering if the Certification program is right for me? I am 73 yrs old, workout 4-5 times a week, kettlebells, resistance bands, weighted exercises, bodyweight exercises. I am. Wrestling Coach of last 52 years. I am also a life long learner, want to continue to challenge myself mentally, physically, emotionally to do my best to serve and model the Good Lord each day. I want to also help my grandsons- both wrestle to be strong in life in all ways possible. Would I be biting off more than I can chew? Is this better for younger guys? It sounds exciting and I am eager to discover more. Your thoughts? Have a great day/-God bless!

    1. Coach Martinez, I LOVE to hear such a hunger to learn!

      I answered via video, please see below:

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"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
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