If you are interested in interviewing Zach or booking him for a seminar or event, please email us and tell us a little bit more about what you are looking for and we will get right back to you to answer your questions.
If you are interested in interviewing Zach or booking him for a seminar or event, please email us and tell us a little bit more about what you are looking for and we will get right back to you to answer your questions.
Hi Zak I Don’t Know where to enter my KB workout this was the first spot I found to try? I got a 48kg KB for cristmass the other year so I had to come up with a work out I could attempt! with it, so it went like this 4rounds for time: 20,15,10,5 rep rounds two handed american swings, left arm row, Goblet squats,right arm row, sumo dead lift high pulls. the first time I did it took me 23min, If its to tame for the bad asses on your sight make them goblet thrusters instead of just squats, I tryed that version with the 40kg thinking the lighter weight called for alittle more range!? Ooop’s well I’m sill here surpisingly. Thanks Aaron
Coach Even-rsh, hello- hope your day is going well. Hey, wondering if the Certification program is right for me? I am 73 yrs old, workout 4-5 times a week, kettlebells, resistance bands, weighted exercises, bodyweight exercises. I am. Wrestling Coach of last 52 years. I am also a life long learner, want to continue to challenge myself mentally, physically, emotionally to do my best to serve and model the Good Lord each day. I want to also help my grandsons- both wrestle to be strong in life in all ways possible. Would I be biting off more than I can chew? Is this better for younger guys? It sounds exciting and I am eager to discover more. Your thoughts? Have a great day/-God bless!
Coach Martinez, I LOVE to hear such a hunger to learn!
I answered via video, please see below: