Mobility, Prehab and Rehab – Exposing Your Weakness



Last weekend I had an AMAZING time chillin' AND learning from my homeboy, K Star. I attended his Mobility Cert and it was THE MOST practical seminar I have ever been to. The amount of understanding and conceptual knowledge you gain from this cert is downright crazy.

By the way, K Star has got perhaps one of the most BadAss Gyms known to human kind, there are NO walls, no showers and no pretty bathrooms... instead, you'll find the fresh air, TONS of weights from free weights to odd objects to no rules workouts near the Golden Gate Bridge.... want a roof?? How about a tarp to cover you from the rain.... did I just say BEAUTIFUL!!! Man that shiz is my kinda heaven. His Gym is HERE in case you're lucky enough to live in his neck of the woods.

sanfrancisco crossfit

In a nut shell, here is the BIG issue with MANY lifters / athletes who have been at the game for some years, and, even for those who are new to the iron and athletic game.

Your body becomes like a Ferrari. You drive it 40, 50, 60 MPH and there are no problems. All is smooth sailing....

But, as you begin charging and speeding up, as we love to do, we hit 90, 100 and 120 MPH and suddenly the wheels are shaking, the dash board rattles and the steering wheel vibrates as if we're off roading. Problem is, we're NOT off roading, we're just trying to perform at full throttle and our body can't handle.

Enter K Star, teaching us a boat load of real world methods and concepts to start undoing much of the damage we've done to ourselves that come from the list below plus many more:

- over use injuries

- lack of warm ups

- lack of variety causing poor motor learning habits (overhand chins, overhand barbell work, etc.)

- avoiding the stuff we suck at

There is MUCH more to it than the list above, NO doubt, but, the bottom line is this:

Without your health, you have NOTHING.

Check out the 2 videos K Star shot while we were chillin' at Trident CrossFit, owned by a Navy SEAL and Gymnast, you can bet this gym was as BadAss as they get πŸ™‚

[youtube width="640" height="360"][/youtube]

[youtube width="640" height="360"][/youtube]

Take care of your health every day, NOT just after injuries come.

Unfortunately, this is how I had to learn. Injuries came and I had no clue what happened or how to fix it.

The 2 videos above will get you going, BUT, K Star has tons more for you to learn, click HERE and get busy.

In Strength,



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