I can probably STOP posting any more "Monday Motivations" if this is the last video I post.
We simply can't top the words of Professor Randy Pausch.
Stop everything you're doing now and watch this video. APPLY the lessons taught from Professor Randy Pausch.
Enjoy and Kick ASS Today and EVERY Day there after....
In Strength,
24 Responses
Thanks Zach!
Love the “Last Lecture”. Have it going in the car all the time
WOW Z!!! GREAT STUFF to start a Monday and the week!!! Don’t be scared to dream,dream BIG! AND Kick Ass going after it!! It’s in the journey and the struggles that the REAL gifts are found and accomplished!
Wow! Very true. Never wait. Do it now!
My wife read the book and I have it on my “To read” list and it just moved up on the list π
Thanks for the this Zach
I feel like doing explosive pushups today.
incredible stuff Z, watched it with my wife who is definately a Tigger. Hard not to show emotion while watching that. Powerful words.
Thank Zach
another good one
This is REAL talk. Take it all in people!
thanks for the vid makes you think a bit more about your life and what direction to go
This is great mnday motivation I have it playing in the car as I’m on the way to the underground right now
Hey Zach,
You rock!
Nothing beats an inspired dying man!
If you’re not fired up about all the good stuff in your life after watching that… just go back to bed and forget about it all!
Thanks Zach!
p.s. Putting my plans into action… got some good updates to share soon!
just what I needed. Thanks brotha!
Thanks Bro! Needed to hear that. Always looked up to you man even when I was a smartass in high school. Great to see you doing big things bro. Thanks for keeping me motivated!
awesome! words to live by! thanks Zach!
This is some good shit Zach!
@Hal, how correct you are brutha! We ALL need that reminder, but it’s also critical not to get caught up in enjoying the struggles and always searching for them.
I love the good life just as much bro!!
Martin, you’re a lucky man if you can watch and share with your wife, most of us have to do this ALL on our own, the entrepreneur lives a lonely life no doubt!
Shane, looking forward brutha, plans must be put to action or they collect dust!
Luka, come on bruddah, who the f**k can stop YOU!!?? NO ONE!!!! Hope you’re kickin ass my man!
Jay, bro, time is wastin, unleash your inner beast and start doing all you want, nothing should stop you bro, F**K anyone and everything that dares stand in your way.
No 2 ways about it brutha! Ass Kickin’ isn’t always easy!
Thank you
Touches the heart and pierces the soul! Dont stop wut your doing Z..your stuff is inspirational…wish i knew how to download this stuff for future reference.
Thanks again!
That is so powerful, especially as I sit across from my 16mo old son eating lunch!