Monday Motivation: Tribute to The Underground


Here's an e mail / video I received a few days ago.

Check out this kid's story and his video, it blows me away!

Hey Zach,

My name is Vince and I have been following the Underground Training Methods for about a year now and am extremely happy with my results.  I just wanted to make this video as a thank-you for all of the information that you put out for all of us undergrounders as well as inspiring me to change the way I train and build my own underground gym in my home!  Hopefully it will inspire others as well 🙂

I'm from California and I came across your blog through you tube actually.  I started lifting my sophomore year after heart surgery mostly to lose weight and just because I was curious and was just kind of messing around with an adjustable dumbbell I bought from a sporting goods store.

I never played any sports or anything and didn't really know what I wanted other than to get huge, and since I couldn't bulk up or get serious about bodybuilding (cardiologist orders) I began to look into powerlifting and through the course of about a year I stumbled upon Josh Henkin's Sandbags which was my gateway to researching deeper and uncovering a whole new world of training I never realized was there as well as made me realize that I would some day like to become an unconventional personal trainer/strength and conditioning coach.

On youtube, I came across your channel from a related link on a tire flipping video and immediately googled it taking me to your blog.  Since then, I have been following your tips and channel and have been getting some great results in both my physical strength and cardiovascular health! And thanks dude for posting the vid to the blog! means alot!!

- Vincent Ramirez -


Because Vincent is such a BadAss and took the time to make such a video, I'm going to send him a copy of Tim Ferriss' 'The 4 Hour Body' as well as an Underground T Shirt.

Look at this kid, he had friggin' heart surgery and is out and about tearing up playgrounds, sandbags, bodyweight and MORE.

Vincent said it right when he said, "NO Excuses!!!"

Feel free to leave some props for Vincent in the comments section!

BTW, Vincent, e mail me your mailing address bro, some gifts heading your way!


37 Responses

  1. Vincent good work! Very inspirational. You got the heart of a lion, keep up the good work.

  2. Hey Vincent… you’re at it with no excuses.. SWEET!

    Keep it going and never give up!

  3. Peppermintoj says:

    It’s amazing what your body can do when you don’t give up on yourself!! Good job!!!

  4. Good to see someone doing he best with what they have and not making excuses

  5. you’re a great inspiration,Vince!

  6. No holds bar against the bar and a relentless attack against the weight. Great job Vince.

  7. Way to go Vincent! Thats quite a collection of equipment you have there too. Truly inspirational!

  8. I Love this Kid …he’s got balls!

  9. Dude Vincent you rock buddy!

  10. LOVE seeing you turn adversity into raw strength!
    Vince this video is inspiring. Keep up the amazing work!!
    GREAT Monday motivation!!
    out to the garage we go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Great work Vince – you’re not just growing physically stronger, but mentally stronger too. The example you set is a wake up call for anyone who makes excuses. Hope you have a great 2011.

  12. Awesome Vince! Keep up the great are definitely an inspiration to all.

  13. Nice work Vince! Makes me want to go workout-soon as I get home I’m gonna hit it hard as well.

  14. Big Chris says:

    GREAT WORK Vincent! Stay the course and good luck!

  15. Ron - Selected Strength says:

    Vince, You are well on your way to being the ass-kicker that most which they can be! Crush it!!

  16. Ron - Selected Strength says:

    Vince, You are well on your way to being the ass-kicker that most wish they can be!! Crush it!!

  17. Bob Fabsik says:

    Inspirational video. Great use of non-conventional weights.

  18. That’s a sheer display of bad-assery, Vincent! Way to kick adversity in the teeth! Drive on, bro!

  19. Dave- FireDad says:

    Great Job Vince. You are an animal. I was dragging ass a little bit this morning after a long night at work but now I’m gonna go throw some heavy shit around! Thanks to Zach and Vince for some much needed Monday motivation.

  20. Thanks for sharing Vincent! A great reminder for the family!

  21. Vince,you have been looking,and searching for the answers,and only those who keep looking will find it,as you have finally discovered seeds of greatness within you that God have planted in you,just waiting for your discovery…you have just found your life passion,and this IS the real “secret” to more success,wealth,health and true happiness.I am 65 years “young” and am working out daily in my home gym,just the other day I went to local gym,meet a guy working out,he looked good,so I asked how old is he,he said 37,he said how old are you?I said what you think?he give me 47-50!!!When I told him I am 65,he could not beleive…it is nice to hear you are much younger then you are,rather then if you are told you are 10 years older then you actually are.Hard work will never kill you lazynes WILL.Best lotion is constant motion!I am teaching others how to find their own greatness,as you did,so you can live new healthier,happier life.Wishing you all the very best in new 2011.Ivan

  22. Way to be, champ!
    Keeep up the good work!!
    God Bless You!!!

  23. awesome dude…you really inpired me to keep working on my backyard.
    no excuses damn it
    very inspiring

  24. Excellent work Vince! Your heart, desire, and dedication will serve you well brother. Keep at it!

  25. the current crop of ‘men’ could learn a great deal from you vince! i work in a plant full of males who brag about all the physical work they do but, they could’nt hold a candle to you my friend. at 58 years old i still hit the kettlebells,indian clubs, mace and suspended work several times a week..i work around all my old judo,lucha libre and rodeo clown injuries and still get in quality work! seeing guys like vince just inspires me to train another day and never quit! way to go my warrior friend!!!!!!

  26. Keith Fine says:

    awesome bro!!! keep at it !!

  27. What a little champ! Go Vince! just a lil bit of advice here dude … you might wanna strap that overhead bar to the wall tho bro … u get a little bigger, that thing’s gunna crash!! Good job buddy!!

  28. Vincent looks like someone who can accomplish anything he wants to in life. Awesome!! Keep it up!

  29. Paul Black says:

    STRONG. That kid is Tough.

  30. This kid is AWESOME! Great video, thanks for this. Also, I’ve never seen the one arm sledge-hammer tire hitting, I’ve got to add that in my routine. SWEET.

    And this kid had heart surgery! WOW. Makes me want to train that much harder…Zack, more vids like this.

  31. You Go Vince!!!!!
    Way to kill it brutha, you give me hope for the next generation.

  32. Good job man! Now tell us how you made that rope.

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