One of the most powerful questions ever asked to me was "Why do I think I was put on this earth?"
It led me to REALLY ask myself why I'm here, what my legacy will be, how will I represent for my kids and be able to look them in the eyes and tell them to turn their dreams into reality. It challenged me to believe in what I was set out to do. I also put a large amount of intrinsic pressure on myself to turn my dreams into reality.
I kept replaying the scenario of my daughter asking me if she should take a BIG adventure towards her dreams and I would tell her yes, BUT, she then replies to me that I have NO right telling her what to do as I never left the town I grew up in, worked in the town I grew up in and basically played it safe ALL my life.
My fear of disappointing my daughter pushed me over the edge.
And, let me tell you, making life career choices is WAAAAAY different when you have a wife and 2 kids VS being single. If I was single I would have slept in my car and not cared, but for me to leave my teaching job of $ 94, 300 per year it was NOT so easy.
Now, here's where it gets tricky. Some of you THINK you're living the dream, but, in reality, you're NOT. You're going about it half assed. You're doing it part time and not pushing the envelope to turn things into full time.
Instead of spending time mastering your craft and getting your name out to those who would want to learn from you, you're wasting much of your time engaging in time wasting activities that will deliver NO pay off to turning your dreams into reality.
You're making BS excuses to give yourself the green light to NOT go the distance.
I still remember my first Orthopedic Surgeon, he ALWAYS asked me what I would do with my life, and when I answered that I would become a teacher, he said, "NO. You need to become a Doctor or a Lawyer. Whatever you do, you need to become the BEST."
Granted, he was partial to the Doctor / Lawyer gig, but, most importantly, he was REALLY partial to becoming my BEST.
I don't see any other way to live life, other than full out, doing your absolute best to turn your passions and dreams into reality.
I won't preach, my friend, you just gotta dig deep and go for it. Plan it out, lay the foundation and put the proper wheels in motion. You CAN make it happen. Trust me, I did it and I had LOTS of cards stacked against me, LOTS.
As they say, every over night success story has a 10 year history.....
In Strength,
Recommended Resources:
REAL Biz Uncensored in Austin, TX
Underground Strength Coach Certification
Underground Inner Circle 30 Day Trial
21 Responses
“Some of you THINK you’re living the dream, but, in reality, you’re NOT. You’re going about it half assed. You’re doing it part time and not pushing the envelope to turn things into full time.
Instead of spending time mastering your craft and getting your name out to those who would want to learn from you, you’re wasting much of your time engaging in time wasting activities that will deliver NO pay off to turning your dreams into reality.
You’re making BS excuses to give yourself the green light to NOT go the distance.”
I’ll never understand people who work any job and are always UNHAPPY! It takes balls to live the dream and to stay focused. Thanks Zach, great post as always!
Zach, bro, guys like you make 22-year old kids like me feel like that they can take on the world.
These are some of the strongest questions that drive me; “What do I leave behind”, What impact do I make on others”, “How can I change the world around me”?
We have to be proud of what we do, we have to make the value 100%, not our wives or girlfriends, Us, I, ME.
Get on it.
Thanks Zach.
Many things have changed since that time a few years ago I put lots of things on the line to come out a visit you at your gym.
You speak the truth!
Now, each and everyday I’m shaping and molding the life I want to live. Everyday I try to FORGE ahead and get BETTER so one day I am living the EXACT life it is I want to live.
ALL by my own rules. No one else’s.
It’s the ONLY way to go!
Damn that was badass!
One day at at time over in these parts bud.
Thanks for all the material you send our way as
it keeps my mind sharp and in the right direction.
As we should say and believe, “Fortune Favors the Bold”
You keep my faith in myself strong Z. There are times when I feel like I’ll never get to where I want to go and just feel like giving up. But when I pop open one of your emails I’m rejuvenated and inspired again. You make my purpose clear big guy. Because I know I was put on this earth to help people change their thought process and achieve their true potential in physical culture. I love nothing more than to teach a 45 year old lady how to deadlift and 2 weeks later at a body weight of 136 can slam out 5 sets of 5 reps with 155. I like to watch ppl progress and bring that feeling of achievement into the rest of their lives.
So I say thanks big bro for giving me that extra push when I can’t follow my own advice. Keep kickin ass and for sure you were put on this earth to make ppl strong.
In strength,
i think you and i were put here for the same exact reason, “to make men stronger” has been my mission for years… I’m happy to be a part of the same tribe, making a difference, with you Z!
Zach, Elliott and only a few others have the ability to captivate other men on a level that inspires them to dig deep and work hard enough to change their lives for the better. I am constantly inspired by you guys and am working hard to emulate your lead to keep educating and motivating the men that follow my lead and want to be the best they can be. Keep charging, men!
Awesome stuff Zack!
You are paving the way for others including myself to make leap after leap in life to better ourselves while helping others.
Let’s tear off our rear view mirrors in life and put the pedal to the metal and live life on our own terms!
Keep killin’ it man!
Fucking awesome, man! Alarm went off this morning at 5:45 a.m. this morning, and I told myself, “Get your ass out of bed and give yourself hell at the gym.” And that’s what I did- ALL OUT, ’till I collapse!! Keep the fire burning! Rock on, man!
Thanks Zack! Sometimes when you feel like you have fallen, someone comes along to drag you back up onto your feet! That was you today my brother!
Live strong!
Solid inspiration bro!
Awesome post Zach! Thanks for the consistent sources of motivation and telling it like it is….getting out of the comfort zone is hard as hell but so worth it!
Yep, I needed that reinforcer for a Monday morning. That is what I needed to get for real and work on my goals today. No execuse Margaret!
I love that Paul Potts dude! Everyone judged him on his looks, his lack of confidence, and his average job and he came out and kicked everyone in the balls! SICK!
Zach, another awesome post. Thanks for your continued inspiration!
I agree with you with most of what you say. However, I’m a teacher and I feel like I was put on this earth to help kids understand a lot of things. I’ve worked in other areas and it has been here where I feel I can make a huge positive impact on a lot of kids that otherwise would do no physical activity. Sometimes I feel that educatiors are looked down upon and that is sad. After all, doctors and lawyers for the most part are educated by teachers in school and professors in college. My point being that my legacy will be all the lives I touched for the better of my community and the nation.
Zach! Way to light the fire under our butts. And I love that Paul Potts video. I watch it often whenever I need a little reminder to go after my dreams. It’s such a powerful example of what passion and belief in oneself can turn into. It makes me teary every time I watch it. Here’s to living the dream!
Deb 🙂
I love the Monday Motivations.
It takes strength to walk away from a paying job to live your dream! In the end it’s always worth it than siting behind a desk all day!