Monday Motivation: “You Want Something, Go Get It, Period”


"You can't do that"

"You're too old"

"You're too young"

"You've got no money"

"That's too hard"

"Nobody ever did that"

"You're crazy"

"Stop Dreaming"

Let me tell you something. Many of the most successful people in the world were told some, all and MORE of the negative comments you just read above.

Many had it worst off than You and I. They slept in their car, went bankrupt, lost their home, their family and / or their friends.

I was very often told to quit, to not do this or that, not to open my gym in "that area", not to quit my job. Many look at what I am doing now and don't even TRY to see what I went through to get HERE.

For those of you going for a dream, it sounds cliche but VERY true, you can NOT listen to the negative naysayers or the haters. It's also WAY harder than it looks. It's a rough journey and the majority quit.

It's up to you to decide if you make it or not.

Check the vids for this Monday Motivation & please share with friends:

The video below relays a critical message, I hope you catch it as it's a quick one. The tears remind me of buying my recent house. It was a just a little part in my life, which helped change the life of my family, for my wife and for my kids, FOREVER.


Success isn't as easy as many claim it to be.

It was a tough, long and windy road. I got there, but, not without gut busting hard work, and, most importantly, the love of my wife and kids. I'm still clawing my way because I don't settle, I ONLY climb.

See you on the "road"?

Drop a comment, let me know ๐Ÿ™‚



PS: I Get COUNTLESSย  e mails and messages from people telling me they want to do what I do but they take NO action. That's what you call being a chicken shit.

Remember: You're either predator or prey. YOU choose.

Do you want to be a Strength Coach or a Warehouse gym owner?

Then STOP talkin' and Start DOING. See You at The Underground Strength Coach Certification

PPS: Do you want to become a BEAST? Do you want to be strong mentally AND physically, confidence and energy like a Bad MoFo. Then DO something about it. We're an Army growing every day, join us HERE.

26 Responses

  1. 1 of your best posts yet Z… plain and simple.

  2. Christopher Reed says:

    Yooooo Z,

    This movie tugs at me right from the beginning. I can realte totally to what Will Smith’s character goes through on sooooo many levels. Even though I have never endured the actual physical hardships his character has (thank God) I have dealt with my fair share of mental demons that echo the sentiments that your post starts with the biggest one being: “You CAN’T do that”.

    After a long journey inward and dealing with these demons I can stand tall and say that I WILL do whatever I put my mind to & no one, NO ONE has the privelege to tell me otherwise.

    My favorite seen in the movie is on the basketball court with Jayden where Will says “You want something; go get it – period. Don’t let anyone tell you you can’t – especially me.” Powerful, powerful words from a Father to a Son. Not having grown up around my Dad I have felt aimless at times and lacked direction but sport forced me to become self motivated and an action taker. No Excuses!!! – EVER

    Thank you for an inspirational start to the week and that scene when Will gets the job – I’m almost there buddy; almost.

    – Christopher “C.A.R.P.E. D.I.E.M.”

  3. Thank you Zach for this inspirational Mondey Motivation posts. They really give energy and help to set the focus for what to do and way in the following week.

    Keep them coming!

  4. Thank you, this was awesome as always. You are very talented at getting your point across and I love it!!!

  5. John Holley says:

    Thank you sir…just what I needed to start my week! My girlfriend loved it also. She’s a personal trainer starting a business plan to take her to the next level. From the both of us…thank you, thank you, thank you! Have a good one!

  6. Great message Zach!

    I always tell my kids to follow their dreams.

    โ€œIf you believe in yourself and have dedication and pride – and never quit, you’ll be a winner. The price of victory is high but so are the rewards.โ€

  7. This is the type of message we all need to hear and pass on everyday. I’ll admit that I need to hear it more then I do for me, but I tell myself that “you can do it, many people EXPECT you to fail” my biggest goal is to prove them wrong!
    I want to my daughter to know what success is, not just by me busting my azz, but by the people that I associate with. You cant move forward if your around people that dont know how to move forward themselves. Positive reinforcement will go further then most people believe. Good find Zach!

  8. I just watched the movie. Man, it’s incredible on so many levels. Going on my list of best movies I ever watched.
    Thank you again Zach.

    Last Monday I thought that boxing clip was deep and motivational to the bone, now this,… I’ m wondering what will you have for next Monday. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  9. Hey Zach, keep the monday stuff coming. I’ts the first email I read.

  10. Great movie… I was really moved when I watched it! Good to be reminded of it!

    Thanks again Zach!


  11. Awesome movie, awesome message.

    Fun fact: at 4:13 in the second clip, right at the end of the movie, that’s the real Chris Gardner who walks past Will Smith.

  12. Thanks man. Thanks for you for being so wise. And sharing it.
    And at least I understood your whole post. My English isn’t very best, and sometimes I can’t get something from your posts (usually videos). Thanks again!
    And see ya at the top! Of the world!!!

  13. Zach,
    Thanks for starting this week off for me with a smile and tears of joy.
    Get comfortable being uncomfortable!

  14. WOW Just in time! I’m going through a lot right now at work. I just received some not so good news. I decided to log into my email and forget everyone for a few minutes and this is the first email in my inbox! Just trying to stay focused in a tough market.


    Raleigh NC

  15. Couldn’t agree more. Gotta do work!

  16. You gained a new reader and fan. Great posts. I’m loving your Monday Motivations.
    Keep up the great work.

  17. i want to go to the gym now but i have to wait until i don’t look like i have been crying! Seriously, that is some great inspiration. very uplifting.

  18. Great post. Really liking the Monday Motivation.

  19. GREAT one Zach………..
    You know the man I’m privileged to call my husband lives this every day. And has taught me and the kids to live it too.
    No adversity is too big to over come………..gotta want it.

  20. Gotta agree with Chris up top…. one of the best post thus far I’ve read. I think many people have acquired the necessary ‘tools’ to be successful but often get knocked down by LIFE. Whether it’s Tony Robbins, Will Smith, Jonny Hinds, Zach, or anyone else constant motivation is needed in our journey. Keep the Monday Motivations coming and I hope to attend one of your seminars when I get back to the States. Peace.

  21. Fredrik Hansson says:


    A question: I’m from Sweden, Europe. If I were to travel to US some time, could I come and train with you? I’d be huge.


    I love the message, and I boldly dare say I live it. I’m no shy guy, but when others party three or more times a week I spend time, reading up, working for free with athletes to get the right connections and build my life. Slowly people see that my way is successful and wonder what I’m doing… Gotta keep living it every day, every hour, every minute… And when you fall, get at it again. Gotta remind myself every day that when I’m old, I want to be proud of the life I’ve lived. Only way to reach 100 % pride of myself is using every day to the fullest. All day, every day. Fuck the lazy haters, that’s the (sad thing) I’ve learned. They’re either with you or you need to ignore them.

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