My Apologies…


My apologies for the lack of updates
to my Underground Strength Show

My internet has been running slow or
totally down and out for some
crazy reason that only the web gods know ๐Ÿ™‚

But, I have some f-r-e-e stuff
for you that will be cool to checksy
when you get a chance....

1) Adding more and more articles to

3 more new articles will be up today, you
don't wanna miss them, they are bad a&&

2) My homeboy and partner in crime for
Kill It Marketing, Paul Reddick, will be
doing a live stream tonight.

The time will probably be around 8 PM EST

We will be announcing this through twitter,
so make sure you follow me at

If you're wondering what a "Live Stream"
is, it's essentially a live TV show
where you can see us and type in your
questions and we will answer them.

We will answer marketing and training questions
and if you have questions about the USC
Gym License (
then you can ask me.

Ask us anything...


It's gonna be a crazy show, I might even
slap Paul in the head with an Indian Club,
ya never know, I am feelin' crazy ๐Ÿ™‚

3) My homeboy Pat Beith is going to do the
same, answering questions on a live stream
regarding the countless ways to earn
several thousand to a 6 figure income through
sports training camps.

You do not want to miss this..

It's on Today: ==>

Session 1: 1pm-3pm EST
Session 2: 8pm-10pm EST

Click HERE to Check the Sports Camp Empire Q & A


Alright, as you can see, tons of
F-R-E-E info for you, so it's time you take action.

Kill it!


PS: Once again, my apologies, I hope you don't mind
the delays and I'll see you tonight during
the live TV show ๐Ÿ™‚

Ask us anything!

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