I love doing ONE exercise like a mofo!
It gets you strong as an Ox and packs muscle on every inch of your body!
It's my "Go to" exercise...
I am, NO joke, addicted to the freaking exercise, no matter what training tool I use, I LOVE this ONE exercise!
Watch this video and see if you can guess the exercise I am addicted to...
Post your comments below and see if you can guess my FAVORITE exercise. I also want you to YOUR Favorite exercise.
Can't wait to see your answers 🙂
Kill it!
PS: If you love tearing into sandbags as much as I do, check out the VIP Hook Up that Josh Henkin, creator of The Underground Sandbag, gave us until this Friday, Midnight, EST:
==> The 72 Hr Underground VIP Sandbag Sale!!
28 Responses
Well, if you say “regardless of tool” my bet would be that you like the “Clean and press”. My favourite would be a combo-movement that starts as a snatch, up to the chest. With the barbell infront of me, resting almost on the collar bones, with elbows pointing forward, I then do a squat and on last third on the way up, I extend the arms into a shoulder press, bring the barbell back down to shoulders and then return to start position.
my guess for your favorite exercise is the deadlift. my two favorite exercises are the barbell hang clean, and the kettlebell snatch
I am going to guess that you love the bosu crunches…Am I right? haha
I definitely need to get a sandbag together. I have been saving up for some weights, but in the mean time I should bite the smaller bullet and get some bags. I am about to lose a training partner so I won’t be confined to just what they are willing to do, so with that said, I will be branching out and expanding my horizons and this video is just the kind of inspiration I need to get going. Thanks Youngins lol.
I also love the sandbag rip clean and press! taxes the whole body in short amount of time and really heavy!
but my favorite one stays the good ol’ pull-up. I love this one and it always hits home! yesterday I talked to a farmer from my neighborhood. this dude, beside his hard labour on the farm, cranks out also pull-ups every day like crazy. you must see his back, arms and forearms – an animal!
train on
Yo dudes, I won’t answer if you got it correct, just yet 🙂
John might be the closest to being correct w/Bosu Crunches, he he
The 2nd bag those dudes are using is 130 – 135 lbs
The 2nd kid who hits the bag clean and presss weighs 140 lbs and is a 400 mtr sprinter, the other is a wrestler and weighs 150 lbs
Maybe I can get Joel Marion to rock a sandbag tonight, depends what kind of workout we do 🙂
Ya never know what the heck might happen when you enter the Underground!
Great comments fellas!
Thank You!
Favorite strength work: one-handed DB clean and press.
Favorite conditioning work: burpees, with the pushup, and all the variations.
Yo, what’s a bosu crunch?
Got to love the Sandbag training!!! Builds some serious strength doing the clean and press.
I just started training my clinets on sandbag training yesterday and it killed them. Thanks for all great tips. I would have to say the same, clean and press w/ sandbag is your faviort.
I’m guessing the water bottle curl the kid in the black T-shirt is doing in the background. 😉
Clean n press, squat it down.
I love doing C&P, followed with deads and finished with heavy power shrugs from the rack with pins set up just above knee. I view it as one large exercise. Increase weight each set on the C&P, sets of 3, no rest between sets except to change weight.
When the weight is too heavy to press, push press it.
3-5 sets and when you start losing the “pop” in the clean, start doing clean style deadlifts. Same set/rep scheme.
As soon as the deads feel tough, get in the rack and knock out power shrugs. Sets of 3-6 reps. These are explosive. Put the whole body into it and come up on the toes, shrug high. When you lose the “pop” in these you are done.
There is no rest breaks between exercises and sets. You must increase weight on bar for each set. You might get 30 sec. of rest changing weight. Suck it up. The reps are low, so it’s easy. Well, sort of.
One of my fave’s.
After this:
Grab a couple of chickens, side of beef, whatever and chow down.
Walter – NICE DUDE!
You guys who guessed the clean and press got it right.
I’ll clean and press w/anything:
dumbbell (s)
kettlebell (s)
what else can we use?
not everyone posted their favorite exercise so let’s see it!
PS: Don’t forget, you guys have a 72 hr VIP Underground Sandbag Sale at http://tinyurl.com/debwvg
PPS: Got questions / comments about sandbag training? Keep the thread going and we’ll answer them here!
Clean & Press/push press/jerk Whatever, it’s all mint!
Sandbags, barbells, 1 or 2 kettlebells, this has always been a favorite of mine.
The first lift I ever learnt was the power clean, loved ever since.
Big Z! Breeding some real strong men over there in Jersey!!!
Call me basic but I favour the dead, squat, anything zercher, and burpees for conditioning.
Here is the short list of my favorites.
Bear Hug Goodmorning to Shoulder Squat
Rotational Reverse Lunge
Half Moon Snatch
Built myself a sandbag and am loving it. Clean and presses are amazing but my award goes to the king makers of exercises. The Deadlift.
I can’t argue with the KING, The Deadlift.
I love clean and presses, they’re a sick exercise… however im pretty sure if I had to pick one to be my favorite id pick deadlift. theres just somthin about it, i lovvee deadlift days.
I love ANY move that involves ripping something heavy off the floor…but then again, slamming things down (med ball and/or stone slams, sledgehammering, etc) definitely appeals to the warrior/aggressive side! They make for a great combo/total body workout.
Anyone who has trained with me knows that ripping some weight up off the ground and going overhead is mandatory a few times week!
Check out yesterdays training video…
Carring 70-90 lb bag and spint with a log on a harness for sets. Burns the lungs.
Roataional dead lifts
Slams for time
Power Cleans, and of course the squat, then finish up with some tire flips.
You guys are coming up with some sick sh*t! I would be writing some of these down if I were you!
Check out this combo with 1 dumbbell:
snatch the dumbbell, lower it the shoulder, push press it, lower it to the ground and repeat!
It’s a snatch – press combo, I freaking love it 🙂
PS: Don’t forget dudes, Josh Henkin is hooking us up on sandbags and bonuses at http://tinyurl.com/debwvg
The C&P is a realy freaking exercise, but there i more prevere the pressing part. Thats why, when i still used to go to the gym or a Training cellar i loved all the different kinds of chest pressing with a barbell o. Dumbell. If it comes to the kettlebell, my favour is the snatch. And the pull up is great as well, deadlift of course too! Dam, their are so many exercise my favourit! I love ’em all!!! 🙂
I’m thinking about to order a sandbag. Does anybody know the shipping costs to germany, maybe?
Btw great comments/exercises (water bottle curl 🙂 ) in this post.
Stay strong.
I’m Loving the sand bag loading drills because I feel like i’m body slamming somebody and or course tire flips
BB Clean and press 6 or 7 reps
Bench press 6 reps
Hex Dumbbell hold
Sandbag squats and rows
5 sets each
finish with tire flips the length of my yard,(about 9 flips) both ways, and 5 gallon bucket with sand carries the length of my yard diagonally.
Between days jumps, sled drags for endurance, and cheat curls.
Sorry I posted this in the wrong section.
I just came into a 30 lb. maul I’ve started working with off and on. The jury is still out on this one….