Check out Part II of my last workout video, 5 Rounds of Hell, The Underground Strongman Circuit.
I step it up a notch, NO limits, hitting 60 lbs on the chin ups. Round 3 starts getting tough, Round 4 was Brutal and Round 5 kicked my ass BIG time.
After 3 Rounds this workout was purely mental. It woulda been easy to call it a day, but I was dead set on completing 5 rounds.
Not all workouts look like what you see above.
Yesterday's workout was:
Squats: 7 x 3 Reps
Deadlifts: 10 x 2 Reps
Later that night, I performed 5 Rounds of:
A) Glute Ham Raises x Max Reps
B) Weighted Back XTs x Max Reps
C) Hanging Leg Raises x Max Reps
Due to time constraints I split up my workout in 2, sometimes 2 chunks through the day.
Doin' what I gotta do and constantly pushin' the limits.
What about you? Are you pushing the limits, breaking records or taking it easy?
How you train and how you live tend to go hand in hand. Want results? Then go the extra inches. Every single inch counts.
Drop a comment and let us know what you're doing with life AND lifting.
Time for me to take action.
Lead from the FRONT.
PS: Want more workouts like the one above? Check out The BEAST Program, Click HERE.
3 Responses
Another great video and post and workout(s). You continue to give me motivation and great challenges.
Excuse my ignorance but what are XTs?
Love the workout.
Nice Growl at the end.
I think its awesome how you push the extra inch every day in your training. Because of your daily motivation in your emails you leave me no choice but to do the same.
Yesterday it was 100 bodyweight back squats done in 3 sets, today it was 20 minutes of 1/4 mile runs and stone push press, and tonight it was 45 minutes of weighted sled work.
As soon as I go get a tractor tire from the town junkyard I’m gonna hit up the 5 Rounds of Hell!