No more squats?



People thought I was crazy, then again, people still think I'm crazy.

Back when I was first training athletes in my garage, and even before I had a garage to train them in, our athletes were getting brutally strong without ever doing the tried and true barbell back squat.

How could this be? Super strength without the KING, squats?

I didn't own a barbell, but we did have plenty of other "things", and Mother Nature was our natural gym.

Then, I made myself a sandbag, 100 lbs., from an army - navy duffel bag.

I used the stones at the park and in my Dad' backyard.

We chopped wood from downed trees in the woods near by. In those very woods, where I used to play as a kid and go sleigh riding and played man hunt in, there is a nice hill that I had my athltes sprint up to the top.

Strength was soaring, conditioning was outlasting the competition by leaps and bounds, mental toughness exploded and the domination was hitting others harder than an iron fist.

It doesn't take lots and lots of training to get results, it does however, take the right kind of training.

In Strength,

Zach Even - Esh

PS - Check out my formula for freakish strength gains at

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Now it's your choice, which path to greatness will you take?

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