One Dude Backs Out, Another Door Opens


With one drop out from The Underground Strength Coach Certification and one new sign up, we're back to having one spot open.


I am shocked at how so many people sign up and don't even read the page regarding what we will do, what they will learn, etc.

Some poeple are just ready to kill it asap πŸ™‚

They forget to read about the unlimited support I give them for a full month after the certification.

They forget that I will push them out of their comfort zone to help them achieve more success in the first month after the cert than they have achieved before the cert.

I suggest taking your time, reading the entire page and deciding if you want to excel in training clients, any clients.

These methods can be used and altered for all people, athletes and non athletes.

This group for November looks to be insanely motivated.

We have dudes rolling in from the UK, another one fought through the hurricanes, recouped and charged through and never gave up.

Gaining access to my brain, my blue print, my marketing methods and my thoughts on your current biz will change you for the better faster than anything you've experienced thus far.

I am guaranteeing it.


Why do I guarantee it?

because I truly care about the success of people who walk through that door on the Saturday morning when we're about to start.

They're like me not long ago....

- broke

- passionate

- looking for answers

- confused with all the marketing

- unsure of a training system

- unsure of a business system

- unsure of how to get clients

If you're an aspiring strength coach, or perhaps the parent of an athlete who wants to help your kid(s), then this is for you.

Looking forward to helping you Kill it!

--Coach Z--


PS: If you're not an aspiring Underground Strength Coach, feel free to pass this on to another Coach who can benefit from our methods.

Thanks for spreading the word πŸ™‚

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