Powerlifting vs Strongman


I just got home after a kick ass weekend in Austin, TX.

Austin is a cool as hell town, reminds me of a blend between my hometown and San Diego. The people are cool as hell, the cabbies are slower AND more laid back than Spicoli from 'Fast Times at Ridgemont High' and the girls are straight up Ass Kickers - I've never had such fit and powerful girls come through my cert like the girls of Austin (this is the 2nd time as they've been to NJ & now Austin).

I cranked my USC Cert to a sold out crew at one helluva gym and man did we light it up! Stay tuned for some highlight video footage.

I arrived Friday night for what was called 'Project Mayhem' - there must have been about 60 guys, ALL dressed in black going full out, tearing up the gym and every ounce of the parking lot with:

- truck pushing and truck pulling with a thick rope

- Keg Lifting, ground to overhead

- Pull Ups & Sandbag Carries

- 1RM Deadlifts

- Tire Flips

old school strength deadlift

After these guys went through hell and back they tore up a meal fit for Gladiators along with plenty of beer to wash down all their well earned food. This training was one of the most intense workouts I've ever witnessed, coupled with their camaraderie I was seriously blown away with motivation & inspiration.

During our weekend USC Cert, many preconceived notions were laid to rest as many people think that the cert is all about choosing sides, aka, using one style and not another. Strongman only training.

Nothing could be further form the truth as we spent a large portion of time doing what I call "Animal Training" - it opened up everyone's mind as to how we can train for power, speed, strength, athleticism and most importantly, optimal health.

Makes no sense to train with a certain style if it leaves you banged up and broken down.

Must it be strongman and odd objects vs powerlifting?


Perhaps it is bodyweight only, or kettlebells only.

NO.... Eventually, training with one style, for the majority, will lead to boredom, burn out, overuse injuries and lack of progress. Notice I said "for the majority" as there are always the rare few. There are few who make non stop progress with bodyweight only or kettlebells only, the men below are bodyweight only BEASTS, they are a rare few, certainly not the majority.

I do what works for me and apply the same principles when training my athletes. Not every athlete I train benefits from heavy deads or heavy squats, sounds strange, but the bottom line is getting results and as I spoke about in my last blog post HERE, some exercises can be your enemy and another man's best friend.

We do, however, train like animals, the USC Coaches who just finished this weekend's cert will attest to that.

We used bodyweight training through jump training, all types of climbing drills, animal training, plyometrics, jump training and gymnastics based training.

We tore apart the Sandbag training WAY beyond the basics and used various complexes and unique forms of "loaded conditioning".

Yes, we used powerlifting AND strongman as well.

I take what works and remove what doesn't work, as should you. It's a form of ART, learning what works for you and those you train.

For my own personal workouts, it means working hard on certain things, easier on others. Easy on the powerlifts, hard on the animal training.

If you're over 30 years of age you will really need to begin paying close attention to the way your body responds to all types of training AND nutrition.

Done for me are the days of aches, pains, injuries and training that simply crushes the body. If it interferes with my ability to play with my kids and live a pain free life then I am kicking it to the curb.

Optimal training, NOT maximal training, that is THE ticket. Learn it and Love it.

Stay tuned, the video footage I'm gonna set you up with from last weekend's USC Cert is gonna be SIC.

Till then, pick up your 2 FREE gifts when you sign up at The USC Inner Circle, 30 day trial HERE.

Be an action taker and a leader.

Blaze a trail, take action and storm through brick walls.

Lazy peeps have no room here, there is no middle ground.

You're either in or you're in the way.

And now you know.



PS: See you on the other side, you will dig your 2 FREE gifts, get em' NOW:

==> 30 Day UIC Trial

PPS: I'm adding three new Coaches to The UIC Expert Panel

TWO of these guys attended the http://UndergroundStrengthCoachCertification.com
and they are the real deal.

The other has been through my biz courses and tore up some nasty workouts at my Underground Strength Gym along with me.

He's the REAL deal, strong as hell and walks the talk.

These guys are animals, literally.

The way they train, eat and move - it's the way training was meant to be.

It's a lifestyle.

They don't pretend or fake it, they live it.

==> http://UndergroundInnerCircle.com

PPPS: The next USC cert will be in Florida, sign up HERE

One Coach is traveling all the way to Florida from Thailand, I saw training footage of him and he blew me away, it is going to be a eye opening and life changing weekend for ALL who take action and attend.

==> http://UndergroundStrengthCoachCertification.com

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"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
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