How To Raise Your Standards In Life AND Lifting



This past weekend my I crushed a unique Underground Strength Coach & L2L (Learn to Lift) Cert with Travis Mash down in North Carolina.

Together, we raised our own standards to give the coaches and lifters the best experience ever. We raised our standards and spoke the night before The Cert over dinner at Travis' in laws beautiful farm home.

We both wanted to go next level on what we had done before. It wasn't just about sharing more information, we wanted to make the entire experience better. Our agreement was that we wanted this to be a "life changing experience".

This is after running my USC Cert for 7 years, I still wanted it to be better.

Travis has been traveling the world the past 2 years running his seminars and as a former world champion powerlifter and an Olympic hopeful in weightlifting, yet here he was, STILL wanting to be better.

What about you?

Do you strive to be better every day? At everything you do?

Better at lifting, coaching, your job / the business your own.....

Better as a family man / woman / parent.....

Better at being in the moment, enjoying life, taking care of your health, increasing your knowledge.....

Many people have stopped improving. The bar has stopped raising because of YOU. YOU decided to stop raising your own standards and when this happens, you are simply a clock puncher.

You are just showing up and going through the motions. This is NOT living, it is merely existing.

When Travis and I were asked about lifting while being super busy as a family man, running our business, etc, we were asked if one should go on a "maintenance program".

Travis and I both looked at one another and quickly said how we HATE that word "maintenance". There is NO such thing as maintenance in my life, lifting or any other area / aspect in my life.

Don't ever maintain or stop growing. You are cheating yourself out of truly living a strong, powerful life.

Here are 3 Things I want you do EVERY DAY:

1) Write down your goals and on a white board and hang that up somewhere that you will see it multiple times every day.

Create a Deadline for each goal and also a plan of attack, preference going to a mind map and reverse engineering your goals so you see a time line of what and how to make it happen. Deadlines are critical.

2) Schedule the critical actions you need to accomplish and crush every day of the week. Travis spoke about how he "batches" his work for greater efficiency.

i.e. doing all his podcasts for the month on 1 day of the week, programming all the weightlifting workouts for the month, brainstorming his new projects and mapping out the plan to make it happen, etc.

I do the same. All my gym programming and marketing is done on 1 day of the week, my e mails are organized another day, my brainstorming and mind mapping is done on another day, etc.

3) Surround yourself with AWESOME people who also strive to be AWESOME in their own life. Otherwise, you will be met with resistance and it will exhaust you of your energy levels. If you don't have friends who want to be awesome, then use technology to virtually surround yourself with greatness by listening to podcasts, reading great books / listening to audio books, etc.


Listen to this Barbell Life Podcast with Travis and I where we discuss the following:

- Nutrition Facts and Fallacies

- The Gym Business: buy an existing gym OR open up from ground zero

- Training hard as a new Dad and finding / making the time to make it all work

- The # 1 quality / commonality amongst GREAT Coaches

- The top 3 books Travis and I Gift to others and read ourselves

- Organizing your week / business for maximum freedom, profit, creativity and FUN

- Running and Organizing your business so that it fits YOUR Life goals and truly makes you happy VS being a slave to your business

- What is "Unique Ability" and why is THIS THE ticket when running a business and being an entrepreneur?

- What happened with Warrior University and my friendship with The Ultimate Warrior?

- Lessons learned in life, from the heart

There is tons more covered so give this bad boy a listen below:

[youtube width="640" height="360"][/youtube]

QOD [Question of the Day]:

What questions do you want me to cover on my STRONG Life Podcast? Drop those questions below and I'll make it happen.

Also, your support means the world to me so please share this blog with your friends on facebook, twitter, etc. It means a lot to me that you help spread the awesome word.

Thank YOU!

Live The Code 365,



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2 Responses

  1. Listened yo your podcast this morning before I opened up the Cave.
    Pushed myself hard today outdoors.
    Rezlly psyched about this day of my life!

    1. Frank I KNEW U would love the podcast, brotha!

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