The Question Still Remains: "How much time are YOU Really Wasting? What would YOU do to make sure it's Your time"
Drop a comment about this kick ass video from Ray Lewis! DAMN!!! Wake UP!
The Question Still Remains: "How much time are YOU Really Wasting? What would YOU do to make sure it's Your time"
Drop a comment about this kick ass video from Ray Lewis! DAMN!!! Wake UP!
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14 Responses
Awesome Zach! I’ve always admired Ray Lewis’s intensity.
I was asked this past weekend if I still lift and compete. “Yep”
“When do you plan on stopping? You’re not getting any younger.”
“I will lift till the day I die. I only hope it is when I am lifting or competing that my life ceases to be.”
They laughed because for the past 20 years I have been lifting, and for the past 10 years I have been living a clean life style. They didn’t laugh to make fun of me.
They laughed because I won’t ever change! “Good Ole Dustin!”
Keep up the good work-Zach!
Awesome video!!! He is so right, do not walk alone; always walk with God!!! Hebrews 13:5-6 “Let your conduct be without covetousness, and be content with such things that you have, for he has said, ‘I will never leave you, nor forsake you,’ so that we may boldly say, ‘The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do to me.'” Amen!!!
Awesome vid. Love when he says ” greatness is a lot of small things done well”. It’s all about doing the work. When you rest there’s someone else working. Gotta keep the pedal down.
GOD + hard work = success! Nothing else needs to be said.
Great stuff, Zach. Thanks you. I hope all is well in dirty Jersey. Miss you guys.
This was an awesome video. Although I do not believe in God, I respect the man’s work ethic and faith.
Thanks for posting Zach.
Wow, thanks Zach for sharing that video that you found.
Ray said that he wasn’t there to give any secrets but he gave the secrets to success! If only all kids could receive motivational and inspirational speeches like this. I am an adult and I need to be motivated sometimes and reminded to keep my mind on the ONE who is my help.
I am going to use Ray’s speech to get my butt back into the grind like I should be.
Wow!! Amazing video! I’ve never heard of Ray Lewis before… He sure does seem to be a great speaker. That was definitely motivating! I am going to try to remember this video. Very shocking words and eye openers. Makes me think about all the time I spend each day and how much time I waste. We are given 24 hours in a day, which is 1440 minutes, which is also 86,400 seconds. All of those seconds are either being wasted or are being used to glorify God, which of course no one can do perfectly because we are all sinners, but that doesn’t give us the excuse to continue wasting our time.
Well I am not a fan of Ray Lewis for the obvious reasons that are well documented. I believe in redemption and in Jesus Christ, he is the only one that can judge this man and his heart. I am tired of these entitlement attitude athletes who think the world owes them something, they are not role models and don’t deserve to get their asses kissed, if he was anything but a glorified athlete he would be wearing an orange jump suit everyday, don’t ever forget about the 2 people that are not here becasue of this “role model”.
great video Zach.
The truth sets us free.
Thank you
Awesome video Zach. Work ethic and belief is everything.
cool video , Zach. Thanks you again