REAL Talk: The Myth of Perfection | Defining Your OWN Success As a Strength Coach


If you've been keeping up with The STRONG Life Podcast then you KNOW I post on the regular, a Bonus called REAL Talk with my buddy, Jonas.

We talk life, business and anything else on our mind.

In this episode, we discuss the strange world of business coaches in the fitness business.

As a gym owner myself for well over a decade, I have seen a lot of people and things come and go. The big issue here is that Coaches consistently feel they are not a success unless they are living up to the standards of John Smith Business coach talking about earning 500K or $1 million.

What about the multiple business partners, investors, loan debt, managing employees. the stress?

How about this idea, Be YOU!

Let's get into this......



BIG thanks to our sponsor Intek Strength. Check them out and use code zach100 for 10% off.

ANY questions or comments on this episode, please drop a comment below and I'll answer.

Live The Code 365,


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