Last June I held the first ever USC Certification. Dudes rolled up from all over the USA AND around the world. A few ladies have cruised through as well 🙂
Everyone who follows the methods as I coach them through goes on to kick major ASS and start doing what they love.
And they do this all without the investments, the partners, the loans and the pocket emptying expenses that most dudes experience.
Things are changing BIG time with The USC Cert and this April 25 and 26 will be the LAST USC Certification of it's kind.
That's right, I will NOT be holding another certification course like this where my A - Z business blue print and training system is dished out so candidly. I can't reveal the details of where Underground is going just yet, but it is going to be KICK ASS and will actually offer Bigger & Better things for those who take the step towards liberating themselves and going for what they want!
Things are changing....
Let me just say this is James Bond type info and I will be taking REALLY GREAT CARE of those who are on the inside of The Underground Family.
OK, OK, maybe since I'm from Jersey this is more Soprano's Mob type stuff rather than James Bond type stuff 🙂
In a nut shell, those who attend the last USC Cert of it's kind this April will have a special IN on the upcoming changes coming to The Underground. I announced this before and I am annoucning it again - NO tire kickers allowed, just those who wanna go after their dreams hard core style!
Let me preface all this by saying that the upcoming changes are geared towards those who REALLY want to do what they love while running a business on their own terms!
Where was I 4 Years Ago....
Heck, 4 years ago I was training athletes at thugged out playgrounds where people smoked pot and drank beer and today I run the gym of my dreams, 2 - 3 hours a day, making a full time income, NO weekends AND we have a waiting list to get in.
You Dig bruddah?
Kill it!
--Coach Z--
PS: I rocked out a SUPER EZ payment plan for this April's USC Cert.
It's so cheap, it ain't even funny!
One Response
Can’t wait to come thru man. It will be insane. I am uber amped and probably won’t be able to sleep the night before.
peace man
p.s.- keep that hair under control.
none of this cookie monster hair like last time