Navy SEAL Ethos, How Success Leaves Clues & Why Your Work Ethic Adds Up



Here is a small excerpt from The Navy SEAL Ethos to preface some of my influence behind the way I think and the way I pay attention to things:

We demand discipline. We expect innovation. The lives of my teammates and the success of our mission depend on me โ€“ my technical skill, tactical proficiency, and attention to detail. My training is never complete.

Even before coming across The Navy SEAL Ethos I was analytic of my own training and life decisions for a very, very long time. It led me to pay attention in careful detail as to why my athletes were succeeding at very high levels and why some, even though training side by side, did not succeed.

This lesson is critical for you to pay attention to and of course, above all, put it to use. Information is useless without action.

[youtube width="640" height="360"][/youtube]

There are some critical details I spoke about in this video.

My hope is that they all sink in for you.

When I say it "all adds up" I'm talking about good habits and bad habits. As a highly motivated individual I have a tough time understanding athletes and parents who aren't highly motivated.

I have a tough time understanding adults who fall for tricks and gimmicks when it comes to getting stronger, building muscle and burning fat.

I will likely not win any popularity contests talking about hard work and dedication for years and years (decades, even!) but I can sleep at night knowing I didn't try to foll anyone with BS.

Do. The. Work.

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5 Responses

  1. Great insights, Z! Long-term thinking is vital to success in all aspects of life. We often just see the immediate need and react to it without thinking of the effects it might bring if we keep repeating this type of behavior.

    1. ALL the little details add up for the good OR the bad, choice is ours, Frank, we need Coaches like you helping to build momentum!

  2. Jared Mielke says:

    Great post Zach! Love it. This way of thinking has changed my life. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Jared thnx for reading, brotha, I keep crushing it for people like YOU!

  3. Mike Guardiola says:

    Great message. The clues are all over consistency as well. My shoulder is stronger than ever due to three CONSISTENT rehab exercises.
    The old cliche stands true, “f’n’ show up”.

    In Strength,
    Mike G.

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